Chapter 16

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Crimson's POV:

I was sitting next to Hank on his bed, he had one of his arms around me and the other held the book he was reading aloud. We had started to get a hold of this whole dating thing. Charles had started to be more strict about curfews lately which caused all of us to grovel and sneak around. There was a sudden knock on the door, which got both of our attention.

"Are you guys dressed?" Scott called out. 

"Yes, Scott," Hank answered blushing a bit. Scott came into the room and I threw a pillow at him. 

"We're gonna sneak out if you guys wanna tag along," Scott explained. Hank and I turned at looked at each other and nodded.

"We're in," Hank informed.

"Cool, be down in the garage in ten," Scott said before leaving the room. I got up and slid my shoes on and put on my coat. I turned to see Hank holding up his favorite coat, which had been stretched and ripped from transforming. He put it down with a sad look on his face and grabbed a different coat. I took his hand and we made our way to the garage. 

We walked in and saw Peter instructing Kurt on how to hotwire a car. Alex, Scott, and Raven watched on with various expressions. Jean walked in and held up two sets of keys.

"Peter, the only thing that doesn't move fast is your brain," Jean teased tossing him one of the keys. 

"I would've got it," Peter retaliated. 

"Whatever you have to tell yourself," Jean replied getting into one of the cars. Raven, Kurt, and Alex got into one of the cars. Peter, Scott, Hank, and I got into the other. Peter was driving and I know he did not have a license. 

"Peter, do me a favor and don't crash," I spoke. 

"What, are you not ready to die again?" Peter asked. 

"Scott, control your boyfriend please," I teased. Peter reached over and took Scott's hand.

"Yes baby control me," He spoke while Scott looked mortified. 

"Alright, enough of that please," Hank begged.

"You're just jealous of our love," Peter spoke still holding onto Scott's hand. 

30 minutes later

We pulled into the parking lot and sighed in relief. Peter needs to stick to running and stay far away from cars. Peter finally had let of Scott's hand as we walked inside. 

"Right, so laser tag, every man for themselves and no using your powers," Raven explained earning a groan from Peter. 

We pulled our vests on and immediately split up and waited for the game to start. The game began and the black lights dimly lit the course. I made my way up a ramp and crouched down next to a grate. I saw Scott pass under the grate and took the shot, hitting his shoulder pad. I kept moving and went up another ramp, I glanced around didn't see anyone. I kept moving and heard a noise behind me, I looked back and saw a figure aiming their gun at me. I rolled behind a wall and stood up pressing my back against the wall like a secret agent. I peeked my head out from behind the wall and saw an exposed shoulder and took the shot hitting the person. I moved down a level and spotted lights across the way. I kneeled down and lined up my shot, they moved at the last second and I missed. I looked back over and they were gone. I decided to move before somebody spotted me. I moved down to the ground floor and was in a very tight area. I heard someone on the floor above me, I moved faster until I was out from under them. I looked to my right and saw that the area my clear and I moved towards a ramp. I had made it halfway up the ramp when I was shot from behind. I turned and saw Hank with his gun still pointed at me. Betrayed by own boyfriend. Who am I kidding, I would have done the same if given the chance. Then Hank was shot and the light turned on signaling that someone had won. I walked to the exit and waited for everyone else. Peter walked out last triumphant with a 1st place medal hung around his neck. He handed Hank the 2nd place medal and me the 3rd. Peter put his hand on my shoulder one at a time like he was knighting me. 

"I dub thee a loser," He spoke basking in the glory of his win. 

"If you're the winner does that mean you don't drive us home?" I asked hopefully. 

We all climbed in the car and Peter insisted on sitting shotgun. Halfway through the drive Scott and Hank were passed out in the backseat leaning on each other. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

"Peter, could you keep Hank busy tomorrow morning please?" I asked quietly as not to wake anyone up. 

"Sure, I'll keep loverboy occupied," Peter answered. 

"How are things going with your Dad?" I asked him.

"It's a little awkward, but he's trying. He asked me to be his best man at the wedding."

"That's good, do they have a date set yet?"

"The second of next month, they want to get married here and Raven is gonna be Charles' maid of honor."

"Cute, I'm happy they finally got together."

"I think Erik said the same thing about you and Hank."

"Erik is an interesting man."

"You could say that again."

The next morning

I woke up and I could hear the commotion of Peter and Hank outside. He's certainly keeping him busy and shortening his life span by ten years in the process. I snuck over to Hank's room and plucked his ruined favorite coat from his closet. I hid it away in my room in a place Hank would never see it. 

I walked down to Charles' office and knocked. 

"Come in, Crimson" he called out. I walked inside and took a seat. 

"Charles, seeing as you are the closest thing we have to a grandmother around here I was wondering if you would teach me how to sew?" I asked. Charles sighed and thought about it for a moment. 

"Sure, the sewing kit should be in that drawer over there," Charles said.

I brought the kit to Charles and he pulled out some thread, a needle, and a spare piece of fabric. He demonstrated how to thread the needle and made me practice a few times. Then he taught me some basic ways to stitch things and had me practice each one many times, while he pointed out each mistake I made and had me fix it. When we were finished he let me take some thread and a needle back to my room. 

It took several hours and a lot of messing up and re-doing, but eventually, I had done it. I had repaired and fixed up at the tears and stretched out bits of Hank's favorite coat. I folded it carefully and hid it away. Now to just hope he doesn't notice it's missing. 

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