Let Me Fix You - Wenjoy (Part 4)

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Warning: Fluff and a little violence.

In which, Joy broke up with her BF, and Wendy comes in and helps her move on while trying to let the younger know that she loves her...


Author's pov

5 months have passed, and since then, Wendy and Joy have been very close, it's not like they weren't before but they're in fact more open and more clingy to each other...

Wendy was seating outside near the entrance at 6:30 am because she was the only one that was already here in her class and because she's waiting for someone, "Wanda!" she stopped walking and saw Seulgi with her girlfriend, Irene...

"Hey Seul, hey Hyunnie!" She greeted the couple, "Why are you here? It's so hot and you're waiting here outside, you might get sick you know.." Irene said, "Nah, I'm fine, in fact, I was waiting for this bear, so, Hyunnie may I borrow your girlfriend for a couple of minutes.." Seulgi was about to protest because she wanted to go inside their classroom to sleep but Irene was fast enough to say yes and to walk away... 

"Yah! This better be important, I'm gonna lose probably half of my sleeping time because of you Wanda!" An annoyed bear said,

"Tsk, whatever, come on, let's go to the caf.."

"Did you just borrow me from my girlfriend just to eat with you?"

"Nope, I know you'll ask for pringles in return for something I need your help with, Seul... So we'll get 'em now.."

"I'm glad you know.." 

"So what do you need help with Wan?" Seulgi asked while she sat on the chair munching on the pringles Wendy bought for her in exchange for her help...

"Well, remember that night I called you about how I want Sooyoung?" 

"Yeah... Wait, wait, wait... Let me guess you want me to help you get her?" 

"Wow, I'm proud, your not that slow anymore!" Seulgi just rolled her eyes at Wendy who's clapping...

"Anyways, yeah, I need your help, I already did part of my plan which is to help her forget about Sungjae, and now I want to ask her out.."

"Then just ask her, then boom my job here is done!" Seulgi said and stood up, but Wendy pulled her back down...

"Yah! I bought you 4 cans of Pringles and you're just gonna tell me to ask her out plainly?!?!" 

"Yeah, just do that, Sooyoung likes simple things though she may look like she prefers extravagant surprises or anything... Get her like flowers and then ask her.." 

"How are you sure she's gonna like that?"

"Dude, Wan, did she complain when you took her to the park to just have a picnic the other day? Or when you gave her a simple dress on her birthday last year? No right? She just likes simple gestures, if you think about it, Sungjae never gave her something expensive and if he did, she didn't flex it to other people... So yeah, just buy her flowers and ask her out, its that simple, Wan" 

"Wow, Seul, is this really you? Normally you'd give out stupid plans or say something unrelated to the topic... Did Hyunnie feed you anything weird that it made you smart or what?"

"I- I'm leaving you here, I hope Sooyoungie dumps you.." and before Wendy could answer her, the bear was out of her sight, "Huh? How did she disappear so fast? Is that even Slowgi?" She said to herself and then she made her way to their classroom...

Once she arrived at her classroom, she saw that there was no one there except her friends, Seulgi as always was sleeping, Irene-unnie was scolding Yerim because she caught her trying to draw on Seulgi's face, and Sooyoung... She was just playing with her phone, but that was enough to make Wendy's legs feel like jelly...

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