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*Maddie P.O.V*

I spent the majority of the next few days in bed. By the time Saturday rolled around, I was doing a lot better. I was now able to sit up and having lengthy conversations, and I was getting tired less often. My black eyes and swollen face were slowly starting to improve too, although the gash on my forehead wasn't looking like it was going to go anytime soon. I'm still in a lot of pain, don't be mistaken - it's just a lot more bearable now, not as bad as before. Plus, keeping up with my medication was helping a lot. Well I mean, you would hope it was.

Today, Brad had no choice but to go and do some work with the other lads, so Reece had come round to sit with me. It was weird, me and Reece being at Brad and Tris' house without them. I felt like an imposter at my own boyfriends house.

However I wasn't feeling up to going to back to Con's and being alone there. Well, not alone; I would have Reece with me of course. But I'm still struggling to summon the courage to go back there for the first time since the break in, let alone go and be there without Brad or Con. It's no disrespect to Reece at all, but I'd much rather have Brad or Con, or both, with me when I go home for the first time again.

Me and Reece were in Brad's bedroom chilling and watching Netflix. We'd been here all morning, and would be for most of the afternoon. We still had hours until Brad was home. Reece had brought round some stuff for us to have like popcorn, sweets, drinks, and a list of movies we should watch together.

I'd missed doing this. We hadn't had this in a while, just the two of us hanging out and chilling. Well actually, we haven't done it since me and Brad started dating and that was several months ago now. Bearing in mind, we used to do this often, whenever he wasn't doing something in terms of work and the band.

Reece grabbed the remote and paused the TV. "It's 2pm, I'm going to go and get your tablets. Need anything else?" He asked, getting up.

"No thank you." I said, smiling. He smiled back and left, leaving me by myself in the room.

I feel quite helpless right now. All I've done these past several days is lie in bed and sleep an awful lot more than I usually do. I hadn't posted anything online, edited no youtube videos, nothing. Although the fans knew what had happened. The news somehow got hold of the story and it spread through the fandom like wildfire. Brad had told me there was an awful lot of love online for me right now from so many different people, sending me get well soon messages etc. He'd also been tweeting daily to update everyone and inform them I was okay.

Reece walked back in as I was staring into space.

"What are you thinking about?" He chuckled, coming to sit back beside me. "Wait, don't tell me." He said. "Brad."

I laughed. "You got me." I said.

"You know what, I love how happy you've been since you got with him. I've noticed it the other way round too, you've both been a lot happier and that since you got together. Right old power couple you are." Reece said.

"Man don't get me started." I said, quickly taking the tablets and giving the glass of water back to Reece. "I've never felt this way about someone before. You know, I thought I'd been in love before, but now Brad's come along I'm starting to question if that old thing was really love because I know this certainly is and it feels a lot different."

"All you two need to do is look at each other and the whole world knows you're in love." Reece chuckled. "So, I never got to ask. The other day during that video we filmed with Brad and Con..."

I nodded, edging him on. "Continue."

"How come Brad knew the exact names you wanted to call your kids if you had any? You two have been talking about it, haven't you?" Reece smirked.

"Ay, we haven't talked about it exactly like that. We've discussed cute baby names before and that's about it." I said.

"You still talked about babies with him." Reece pointed out. "Do you see yourself having kids?"

"Yeah I do. One or two maybe." I replied. I've always wanted a kid, they're so cute when they're young and then they get cool and classy as they get older - of course, they can be little shits, but the less kids you have, the easier it can be to handle.

"And do you see them being Brad's kids?" Reece asked.

"To give an honest answer, I bloody well hope so." I said, straight up no filter. What's the point? It's no secret, I'd choose to spend the rest of my life with that man.

"Oh my god, that's so cute." Reece said. "For real, the genes that kid would have would be unreal! Brad and your looks combined, as well as your personalities! Wow." Reece said.

"I don't agree with me, but him yes. I hope that if we did, they would get his hair and eyes. Or what about everything about his face? A mini replica of him." I said.

"No, no, Brad's hair with his face shape but your facial features. That child would be rocking that look." Reece said.

"Oh don't, you'll give me baby fever." I said. "And we ain't ready for kids yet, doubt we would be for a long time, at least several years."

Reece chuckled. "What about marriage? You two were so cute with each other the other night when I mentioned marriage to you both on facetime."

"Please, Reece, you're like the biggest Braddie shipper I know." I laughed. "But yes, I would love to marry him one day." I said, smiling. Imagine...


Welp so yesterday I had 7,000 things in my camera roll but when I went onto my photos today I had 12 things in there, almost like I deleted it all although I didn't. Checked on other devices, checked icloud, recently deleted, everything but they're gone, it's like they've all just disappeared. Also contacted apple and they said it's all gone, lost, nothing they can do. I mean really? I didn't even delete the pics and vids so wtf?

Every single concert video, m&g or vip pic, notices, vm's, pics with family/friends, every last pic and video of The Vamps and 5SOS, literally everything has just gone 😃

I cried for hours and now I'm exhausted from crying so much 🏃‍♀️

Okay, anyway, thank you for reading, I'm off to sleep cuz it's 12:30am lmao. Byeee

Ebony xx

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