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~One Week Later~

*Brad P.O.V*

"Alright, now you're all done if you want to step right this way and I'll lead you into the room." A woman with a clipboard said to the five of us, smiling.

We had come to do our interview with Maddie. It was being recorded and put on YouTube, so that the fans could watch it. I loved these types of interviews, and it was going to make it even better that Maddie was with us for this one.

Maddie hopped up out of her seat and I held my hand out to her. She took hold, and the five of us followed the woman down a series of corridors as she explained briefly about what we should expect in the interview and making small chit-chat to pass the time so we weren't in an awkward silence.

"Here we are, you're right in here." She said, pushing open a door and holding it open to let us in.

We all walked inside, followed by some other workers who would be filming etc.

"Step this way for your mics fitted." Another lady said to us, and we went over to a group of people who were ready with mics and little packs for us all. Pretty soon, the first lady was guiding us to our seats, telling us who should sit where.

The seats were lay out as 3 in the front, and 2 at the back on slightly higher stools. The front row had me, Maddie and Con, and then James and Tris behind.

Pretty swiftly, everyone settled and the interviewer walked in. She looked about 30, had short brown hair with glasses and wore a suit. "Hey, I'm Vanessa." She smiled.

"Hey Vanessa." We all said.

She sat down in a chair opposite us and smiled. "We're going to crack right on with the interview if that's okay?"

We all smiled and nodded, and she nodded at the director.

"Okay, in 3, 2, 1." He said, and Vanessa started talking to a camera near to her.

"Hello everyone, welcome to another interview where today we are joined by The Vamps and a special guest, Maddie Ball." She said, smiling over exaggeratedly and gesturing to us. A camera zoomed in on us and we all smiled and waved at it. "How are you all doing?"

Me and the boys exchanged a few looks with each other, and I decided to respond for us collectively. Maddie had never done anything like this before so she was unsure about how it all worked.

"We're all doing well thank you! Keeping busy and entertained." I smiled.

"I can imagine you're very busy! Congrats on the album, it seems to be doing great!" Vanessa said.

"It really is, it's incredible how well it's done actually." James said. "Although this is the fourth album, I don't think we ever get over the realisation that we've brought out music that loads of people want to hear and listen to. It's really crazy."

"I can't imagine how it must feel! And the extra tracks album, that's doing amazing too! I can't help but feel that has something to do with a certain two tracks tho." Vanessa smiled over at me and Maddie.

Maddie smiled and blushed, looking at me. We exchanged a look, before I looked back to Vanessa.

"If I Was Your Man - would you like to explain what that track is about?" Vanessa asked, looking at me.

"Well, I started writing the track when I realised I was in fact falling for Maddie here." I said, and she hid her face slightly, giggling to herself. I laughed and continued to explain a bit about the writing process and how it developed over time. "I eventually finished off the lyrics like the day after I found out that Maddie liked me too. Then within a few days, me and the lads had hopped into the studio and recorded the whole song."

"Am I right in saying that you played it the night that you asked Maddie to be your girlfriend?" Vanessa asked, "Maddie, did you want to tell me about it?"

"Of course!" Maddie said, smiling. "So Brad rang me one night asking if I wanted to go out the next night - he wanted to take me to the studio to show me the secret thing he and the others had been working on. I found it so weird cuz they'd never really kept anything secret from me since I moved in with Con so I was quite worried about what it could be."

I sat watching Maddie in admiration as she sat telling the story of that night. It's one of my favourite stories to tell people, and I know it's one of her favourites too. She was so enthusiastic, explaining it all. Vanessa kept asking the pair of us questions, to which we replied and gave inside information on the events of that night. We were both pretty open about how we got together, because it's something both of us love to talk about and we know that the fans would love to know the story behind it all and how it happened.

"So, I've got a question for Connor now. When you found out about Brad and Maddie, what was your first reaction?" Vanessa asked.

"Well, before either of them had confirmed they liked each other, I had my suspicions about it. Maddie was giving me vibes towards Brad, and Brad was giving off the vibes that there was perhaps a girl involved with him but he wasn't giving much direction as to who, so I started to wonder if it was Maddie. So I had had time to get my head around it, the image of the pair of them together, so by the time they both admitted it I was chilled out about it because I'd already had that processing time beforehand." Con said.

"How do you feel about them being together now?" Vanessa asked.

"Most people expect me to not be okay with it, they're like 'she's your little sister and he's your best friend and band mate', but honestly that doesn't bother me. I know them both really well and I know they make a great couple together. I've never seen the pair of them happier in my life. As long as they're taking care of each other, and treating each other right, that's all that should matter. It works both ways, I want Brad to treat Maddie right and I want Maddie to treat Brad right, which I know they both are. Honestly, seeing the pair of them together, it's like they were meant to be together, don't you agree?" Con said, looking around at James and Tris who agreed and started chipping in and saying their thoughts on our relationship.

We'd never had a conversation like this with the other three before, so to hear them all saying this about me and Maddie made me emotional in a good way. It was so lovely to hear them being genuinely happy for us and making a fuss over our relationship.

Maddie looked at me, and I could see she was tearing up. I held out my hand for her again and took it, as Vanessa noticed.

"Aww, you're making Maddie cry." She said, smiling sweetly as Maddie laughed it off.

"I'm not used to hearing them talk about our relationship." She said, and I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.


I have this test paper due in tomorrow morning which I haven't finished yet but what have I spent my evening doing instead of the paper? Why, writing fanfic and making video edits of course😎

Haha I'm going to fail. Welp.

Anyhow, hope y'all have a lovely day or night, thank you for reading and I guess see you tomorrow for another chapter :)

Ebony xx

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