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*Brad P.O.V*

Last night had been kinda crazy. Me and Maddie spent... let's say, a lot of time together, and then when the boys were here we had a few drinks and just chilled out. It was nice to step away from the phones for a while.

Although we had obviously all gone online and interacted with fans a few hours after we announced mine and Maddie's relationship. They all had a lot of questions, and between the 5 of us, we gave them all a lot of content and spoke to a lot of them. We had had so many lovely comments from other famous faces, some were good friends with, some we've spoken to a few times before etc, and some we've never spoken with before.

Although the highlight of my night has got to be when Maddie saw that one tweet directed to her...

~Flashback to last night~

"Maddie is now officially labelled a Vamps girl." Connor joked, reading something off his phone.

"Welcome to the club." Luce said.

"Ah thanks, it's an honour." Maddie said.

"Erm, Maddie, check your Twitter, like right now." Tristan said.

"What do you mean?" Maddie said, standing up to grab her phone which was on the table the other side of the room. "What am I looking for?"

"Oh, don't worry, you'll see it straight away." Tristan said, and he smiled. "Everyone brace yourself for the fangirl breakdown we are about to witness."

All of a sudden, Maddie gasped and threw her phone at the sofa. She sat on the floor and I kid you not, she started crying.

"What the fuck?" Con said, and I ran over to her. Connor picked up her phone and read what was on there. His eyes widened, and he brung over the phone to show me. "Maddie's got a special little congrats tweet from the one and only Ashton Irwin."

"He's my fav!" Maddie said, taking her head out of her hands. She was full on sobbing with happy tears.

Con pulled out his phone. "He gotta see this." Con laughed, and he took a video. "Ashton from 5SOS tweeted Maddie, and if you know Maddie, you'll know she's like mad over him, and now she's having the phattest breakdown in the living room. Thanks Ashton." He laughed.

~Back to present day~

There was a knock on the front door and I heard Tristan and James enter, shouting hello.

Me and Con were sat downstairs, and Maddie had gone up for a shower, although she'd been gone for ages. James and Tris walked in, and me and Con greeted them.

"Hey Con, I'm going to go see Maddie quick, will be back." I said, excusing myself. She'd been gone for too long, she never takes this long to shower. I wanted to investigate.

I walked up the stairs, and saw her bedroom door shut. I couldn't hear a hairdryer or music on, it was quiet... until I went to reach for the door handle, and heard muffled sniffing. I froze for a second - it sounded like she was crying.

I knocked on the door. "Mads? It's me." I said.

"Come in." I heard Maddie say. Her voice, it was off. I braced myself and opened the door. She was curled up in the middle of her bed, her fluffy blanket pulled around her and the hood of my hoodie pulled up over her head. I shut the door and went over to her, climbing up next to her. She looked up, and my suspicions were confirmed. She was balling her eyes out.

Before asking what was wrong, I pulled her into my arms and held onto her. My heart literally felt broken, seeing her lied here crying by herself. I can't stand seeing her like this.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, running my hand over her hair over and over, and kissing the top of her head.

"I couldn't help it. I read those comments." She said. I knew it, I feared this would happen. "You know, 'what's so special about you' or 'fat ugly whore'. Or what about 'hope you rot in hell' and other death threats?"

"Death threats? Body shaming? Oh my god Maddie, I promise you now, you are beautiful and perfect to me okay. You deserve me, damn you deserve way better than me, please don't listen to a word of it. It's just jealous people." I said. "I feared this would happen and all I wanted was to protect you from all of this. I'm so sorry."

"Babe, don't ever apologise." Maddie said, sniffing and sitting up. "It's not your fault. I understand some people are clearly jealous and annoyed because you're with me. And in truth, there's been like triple the amount of nice comments than negative. But I couldn't help but read through the hate comments."

"You know what, me and the boys have also done this before - read through hate comments and got disheartened. It's hard to ignore them. Of course, we've got more used to it and started ignoring them more now, but it took a while to get used to and I remember how I felt to start with. It lowered my self esteem massively and made me want to just give up. But you can't do that okay, and I'm not going to give up on you. I will stand up and fight for you to the end of the world, and I don't want anyone to tell us what we can and can't do. It's our lives, and I say we should make the haters jealous to hell. What do you say?" I said.

Maddie smiled. "Let's make them jealous." She said.

"You're pretty, even when you cry." I said, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you too." Maddie said, and I pulled her in for another hug, praying that she is okay and doesn't take these comments too much to heart.

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