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*Maddie P.O.V*

"Okay, cheers. Bye!" Brad said, and he hung up.

I looked at him expectedly, waiting for him to speak.

"Joe's pretty serious about us handling this correctly. He's finding it kinda funny but he also said for us to stop adding fuel to the fire now, so the next thing we say to the fans on the subject should be the announcement that we're together, for real."

"That's understandable." I said. "I'm going to leave it up to you, I'll do it at anytime."

"Well, before we decide on anything, I reckon we should get that youtube video recorded, what do you say?" Brad said, and I smiled.

"100%, let's go." I said, and I went over to my dressing table. "I'm going to just tip one of everything up on here and you can choose from it all." I said, emptying out my makeup bag onto the side. Brad walked over, picking things up and looking at them.

"At least most of it says what it is. Although I don't know what to do with half of it." He said. I could just tell this was going to be hilarious.

"Alright, here's another stool. Choose which one you want to sit on." I said, carrying a stool from my filming corner and putting it over next to the other one. I returned and grabbed my camera and tripod, setting it up in place.

"Alright, I'll do the intro and you just sit and look pretty." I said, and then laughed. "I'm joking, you can chip in and talk at any point. But I'll do my normal intro."

"I'll let you take the lead. It's your channel after all." Brad said, and I looked through the camera lens to make sure you could see everything. I set up my second camera at a different angle so I could 2 different angles for footage. Once everything was ready, I pressed record on both and went to sit down.

"This is the main camera so if you're going to look into the camera at any point, choose this one." I told him. "That one is there just in case a different angle is better. Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." Brad said, nodding.

"Okay... Hello everyone, it's Maddie here, welcome back to my channel or if you are new here, hi! To start this video, I want to tell you all something really exciting that happened a few weeks ago which me and a few others have been keeping a secret from the world, but as you would've read the title and seen the thumbnail of this video you will now know. I would like to reintroduce Brad to this channel, but now as my boyfriend." I said, and I looked over at Brad as he smiled and said hello.

"In today's video, Brad is going to be doing my makeup, hence why I look like crap and have no makeup on right now." I said.

"Hey, don't say that." Brad pouted, and he put his hand to my chin, turning my face towards him.

He... Ugh he's hot. Anyway.

I smiled. "Okay okay, fine." Brad smirked, taking away his hand again. I slipped into a daydream moment, before I realised.

"Oh shit, we're filming." I said, and me and Brad both burst out laughing. I calmed myself down, and looked back to the camera. "Alright so I haven't told Brad what each product is or what it does, he just has to look, read, and figure it out for himself and put it where he thinks it should go. This should be interesting."


"How do I look?" I asked Connor, walking into the living room. Him and Luce were sat watching TV, but looked over as I entered.

Connor laughed, and tried to compose himself. "Brad you've made her look like an angel." He spluttered.

"Hey, I think it's pretty decent!" I defended Brad, and Luce agreed.

"You've never done makeup before, right?" Luce said, and Brad shook his head. "Exactly! Connor that's good when you've never done it before. Bet you wouldn't be able to do anything like that."

"Go on then, let's try it. We can do this." Connor dared her.

"Nope, no thanks, you ain't doing my makeup any day, I don't trust you near my face with mascara and eyeliner and all that." Luce said.

"You wouldn't have to worry. I wouldn't do it like Brad." Con said.

"You're so mean Connor. You did good babe, don't listen to him." I said, and Connor practically choked on air. "You good?" I asked.

"Yep. Yep, I'm good." He said, recovering quickly.

"Is it cuz I called him babe?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. Connor just laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Better get used to it."

"I'm not convinced I will." Con replied.

I went to a mirror and checked over my reflection. "Brad got everything right man, he didn't do anything bad. Don't you agree Luce? Obviously, it's not perfect and the eyeliner is a bit wobbly, there's a few little faults but overall it's all pretty good." I said.

I was pretty proud of him, it was a lot better than I had initially imagined. I genuinely thought I would end up looking like a clown, but I didn't. I just looked like I'd done my makeup whilst drunk.

"How did the filming go?" Connor asked.

"It went well, although there's lots of outtakes. I'm tempted to make a blooper reel out of it, I could easily make it over half an hour long." I chuckled.

"You actually could probably make it over an hour long." Brad laughed.

"Well, I've got three hours of footage to watch through and edit." I said. "I'm going to start working on it tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me, what time are we meeting Dean?"

"Dean?" Con asked.

"We're going to get the photos together." Brad explained. "We're meeting him at 2pm."

"Awesome." I smiled. I couldn't wait.

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