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TW - some violence but it's not too bad :)

*Maddie P.O.V*

I stared back at the men, terrified.

"Get her." The taller one said, and the smaller dude lunged at me, grabbing my arm and yanking me up.

"Maddie!" I heard Brad yell as I dropped the phone onto the floor, leaving it facing the ceiling so they couldn't see what was happening.

The guy threw me back onto my bed and they both looked at me.

"Alright little miss, this can be easy or this can be hard. Either you let us take the stuff with no resistance and we'll leave you alone. Or... you'll find out." The tall one said.

"Maddie, let them take the stuff, please." I heard Brad begging through my AirPod.

"I can't let you take my stuff." I glared at them.

"Maddie what are you doing-" Connor yelled.

"Mate, look." The small guy said, and he went to pick up my phone. He swore violently, looking at my phone. "She's on a FaceTime."

"They cant see you face, idiot. Give me the phone." The tall guy said, and he snatched it. "Why can't we hear them?"

"Maddie, take out your AirPod." Con said.

I took it out, disregarding it on the bed beside me. I knew I should try to get away, but there's two of them and I feel paralysed with fear.

"Let my sister go." Connor said - I don't think I've ever heard him sound so angry.

"Or what?" The tall guy sneered. "It would be so much more fun to hurt her."

"Take the stuff, whatever man. Just leave her alone!" Connor yelled.

"Who even are you? Her boyfriend or something." The smaller guy said.

"I'm her brother, this is her boyfriend." Connor said. "And if you don't let her go, we will do everything in our power to get you."

"Woah, scary. What, a bunch of little lads coming after us? Funny." The tall one said.

"They're in a famous band you know. They can make this go viral, so even if you ran away, a lot of people would know this story and be out to get you." I said.

"Shut up." The smaller guy said, lunging for me and striking me across the face with his fist. I screamed out, starting to cry all over again. My jaw felt like it had been shattered into a million pieces.

"Maddie! Stop, don't you dare lay a hand on her again." I heard Brad yell. There was a comfort knowing that all four of the lads knew exactly what was happening.

"Or what." The taller dude pouted, mocking them.

"You should shut up!" I yelled, loosing my patience and jumping off the bed. I went to throw a punch at the smaller guy, put he easily grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Maddie, don't, please." I could hear all four of the lads pleading me to go along with what they wanted.

"I can't let them get away with all my stuff! You guys realise how many unedited YouTube videos and content I have on there. It's my whole life!" I said.

"Shut her up, will you!" The tall one yelled, and the smaller guy lifted back his fist. I braced myself for the punch, screaming out as his fist came into contact with my face. I felt myself falling back, and as my body hit the floor everything went dark.

*Brad P.O.V*

Connor slammed on the brakes as he reached the house. We all climbed out as quick as possible.

"They're here." One dude said to the other.

"You little-" He dropped the phone on the floor and I heard both of them running out of the room.

Connor threw open the front door and I chucked my phone in my back pocket. I saw one of the men disappearing through the kitchen, headed towards the back door.

"No you don't." Con said, and he, Tris and James set off after them.

"Maddie?" I yelled, with no response.

I ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. The second I reached her room, I saw her lied on the floor unconscious.

"No." I yelled, running to her. She needs an ambulance, she...

I heard sirens blaring and cars screeching to a halt. The police were here. I ran down the stairs, to the officers who were running inside.

"They just ran out the back door, my friends went after them!" I said hurriedly. A couple nodded, running off out the back. Two officers stayed behind. "The girl, where is she?"

"She's upstairs, she's unconscious." I said, running back upstairs with them following. I led them into her room and I knelt back down beside her.

"Okay, sir, don't move her. She'll need an ambulance." One officer said, and walked off talking on the radio.

"I'm Officer Crease, she's Officer Bolten. What's her name? Did you see what happened?" The second officer said, gesturing to Maddie.

"She's called Maddie Ball- Madeline. We were on a facetime with her when this happened. I know she was punched or something and then I heard her fall to the ground, so I guess they knocked her unconscious." I explained.

"We're all four of you on the facetime with her?" Officer Crease asked.

"Yes, we were in the car driving home to help her." I said. "My mate Tristan was the one on the phone to the police. We all saw what went down through the phone."

Officer Bolten walked back in.

"Okay, this is how it's going to work out." Officer Crease said. "An ambulance will come and take Maddie to the hospital. She's going to need checking over and some tests done to make sure she is okay. You and your friends will have to come down to the station to give statements."

"They've caught one of the two men. They're taking him to the station to try to find out who the second man was." Officer Bolten said.

"Wait, will I be allowed to come to the hospital with Maddie before going to the station?" I asked.

"What's your relation to Maddie?" Officer Crease asked.

"I'm her boyfriend. And I know her brother will want to come too. He's one of my friends who was in the car with me." I said.

"Okay, you two can go. But just you two, we're sorry but we can't take everyone." Officer Crease said.

"No, it's okay." I said.

I heard a small groan and looked over at Maddie.

"Ma'am, it's the police, please don't move." Officer Bolten said, walking over and standing over her.

I sighed in relief - she's awake.


She's safe- they didn't take her. Thank the lord. Also I wrote this whilst crying over Riverdale on Netflix lmaoo

Quick question, does anyone else think days go too quickly? Like I honestly feel like the days slip by so quick and I feel there isn't enough hours to do what I want. Grr

Anyway, thank you for reading, hope y'all are well!

Ebony xx

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