chapter 32: first mission

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"Left! Right! Turn and defend."

I look at my opponent and block his moves.

"When you get the chance, point!"

I struggle for a second but I get him at my hold and aim the gun at his forehead.

The whistle timer blows and our instructor walks by me.

"Good job everyone! Kiiara good save."

"Thank you sir", I say out of breath.

Level 5 has been training since 5 days ago Nile told us about the mission w my great great grandfather and some warehouse.

It was called Mission K.

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Nile was incredibly busy with this mission. Early morning meetings, late night planning in his office.

If we ever did pass each other he would give me a forehead kiss and rush back to work.

He's the mafia leader after all.

"Take a water break but we are getting right back."

I sit and chug my cold water bottle.

Nina sits next to me doing the same, both of us eyeing Gabriella.

"The sight of her annoys me", Nina sneers.

I make a "mm" sound indicating I agreed while swallowing my water. "After this mission she will be gone."

Gabriella looks our way for a second and she gives a small sad smile.

Nina looks at me the same time I look at her.

"Ass kisser."

I almost spurt my water at her remark and she smiles.  "I'm so pumped for this mission. Nile must be on a high for finally getting a lead."

I nod. "Yeah he has been busy."

"Gabe too. He's responding to my messages mad late now."

I give her a smirk. "When will you two date?"

"I don't know." She shakes her head. "Right now it's complicated."

"You guys are in love. Just date."

Nina looks down and fiddles with a silver Grey Mafia band.

"It's hard. We both are connected to each other  but it's not the right time right now. Gabriel had to step up when Nile had to step up. He's not ready for another responsibility."

I rub her back as she smiles. "That's smart of you to think like that."

"Alright second round! Everybody up!", the instructor says as we both get up and get going.

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"And we also trained with these simulator glasses. It was so cool! Mr. Romero said I did an A+ job." Jordan was rambling about his day with excitement.

I smile. "I'm glad bud."

Tucking him into bed I think of how happy he has been with this group of people since our parents. Considering he is the center of our mission he is very happy. I lean down and give him a kiss on the forehead and he smiles sleeping quickly.

I wait for a while to make sure he's asleep and then head out grabbing a glass of cold water.

As I pour myself a glass I see the door of Nile's office ajar and I hear whispering.

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