chapter 23: family

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Kiiara's Room.

"Can I come in?", I whisper.

She opens the door and lets me in. First thing I do is check if Jordan is sleeping and okay, then I turn to her.

"What happened? It's late."

"Just wanted to check on you and see if youre okay."

She nods silently as I step a little closer to her.

She was wearing red sweats that were a little loose but flattered her along with an oversized t shirt.

"Red is your color."

"Is it?"

"It is. It's my favorite color as well."

Seeing Kiiara rock a color that I admire did something to my stomach.

She was really beautiful in every aspect.

I step closer wanting to touch the side of her waist. As I look up at her I notice something different.

I move my head to the side to get a better look. "You got a nose piercing?"

"Yeah, I wanted to."

The small silver stud really suited her, even in the night light I could see it dazzling her cute little nose.

"It really suits you." I earn a small smile from her, but it disappears when I go closer, lifting her chin up to look at me.

Her eyes were big and brown and doing things to me.

I don't know why she affects me like this, we are friends.

Her lips.

I miss them now that I know how they feel on mine.

I lean in taking her bottom lip, then top savoring her touch.

I had a busy business night and I was exhausted, so my body was taking over my mind.

Luckily, she kissed me back deeply. Wanting her hands on me I move her hands to my neck without breaking the kiss.

She breaks it. "How was your night?"

"Fine", I try to make a move again.

"Did you make any business propositions?"

"That's not how it works", I whisper low while leaning in again.

"You looked good tonight."

I stop moving and look at her, already looking at me. Her compliment gave me a side smile.

"You think so?"

I lean in closer, a millimeter of space between us.

"Yes", she breathes.

I waste no time colliding my lips with hers, surprised she gave me the same fire.

I wasn't thinking too hard, letting my body have what it wants.

We shared a passionate kiss after kiss, her hands growing impatient and mine.

I wouldn't touch her anywhere besides her waist unless she told me to. She seemed to be the same beacause she kept them planted on my neck.

We-I couldn't get enough of her. The moment she put her hand on the side of my face I stopped kissing her.

"What?", she asks.

Something about her gesture sent warm waves to the lower pit of my stomach, reminding me of my mothers touch.

I stay still for a second, breathing a little heavily.

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