chapter 42:anyone but him

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All of us were strapped up, taking precautionary levels before stepping out of the building. I stay close to Gabriella and Alyssa, all three of us walking out the building. We put our guns forward, ready to shoot. Nina spots Nile and we walk to him. The moment he turns around I see the relief hit his pretty face at the sight of Nina.

"Thank goodness you're here. I'm a man down, I need you to come with me."

Nina nods. "Who got shot?"

He gives a stoic expression. "It doesn't matter right now. We will deal with it after."

"I want everyone to go in pairs. Kiiara and Alyssa." He looks up at me.

"And all of you stay safe. Be very vigilant. I have to get back out."

He turns on his earpiece that connects all of us. "Shoot to injure, not kill."

He gets up swiftly, cocking his gun. Before he rushes out he brings my head in for a swift kiss on the forehead.

I look at Alyssa who nods. We take a turn to the left staying near the granite wall while looking out for the men ready to shoot.

We walk around for a while, staying vigilant and listening to anyone communicating on the comms. Every gunshot I heard, I prayed it was not an effect to our group.
Not an effect to Nile.
Or Nina.

We reach the back of the building which has two halls outside, leading the same way. We hear grunting and both of us inch closer.

Which hall was it coming from?

Alyssa looks at me. "I'll go through this one you go through that hall."

I shake my head. "We are supposed to stick together."

"And we are. Both lead out the same way. Ill call you if I find them in my hallway."

I give her a skeptical look but she gives me a reassuring nod, dissapearing to the hall in the left.

With a deep breath I enter the hall on the right, keeping my footsteps swift but quiet.

Looking left and right I hear the grunting louder.

They are here.

I stop to contact Alyssa through the earpiece. Just when I was going to hit the mic, I hear a familiar voice scream.


I speed walk through the hall and see Gabriella going head on with one of Sergio's men. She was at an advantage, but a fine line betweeen losing. Sergio's men were bigger, stronger, and could definitely injure her.

I take a few seconds to study both of their movements before I step in. I see his stance change, ready to attack Gabriella. Just before he reaches her I slide my gun sideways to trip him. He falls and Gabriella's frightened eyes meet mine. I grab my gun swiftly and but him in the head.

He grunted in frustration and grabs his gun. Gabriella shoots him on the arm just when I kick the gun out of his hand, the black metal grinding against the rough concrete.

Alyssa hears the shot and rushes to us just when the man becomes unconscious.

Alyssa looks at Gabriella and I with wide eyes.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"There was no time", I gulp. "Any second later and he would have gotten Gabriella."

Gabriella's body was bent down and heaving for breath. She looks up at me in betweeen gasps.

"Thank you. I dont know what I- if you weren't-"

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