chapter 50: remember me

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January 1
1:30 am

"Gabriel I really don't want to."

"Please, for us, for him. He literally won't stop asking for you and refuses any of us to touch him unless it's you. He's bleeding bad I'm worried that it will get worse if I leave him there till he falls unconscious."

"You're only 30 minutes away right?"

"I mean my hotel is closer to the base but I don't know exactly. He never showed me the proper route to headquarters."

Gabriel signs deeply. "I guess I get why you left. Must have been suffocating. Send me your address I'll find you, and I'll show you the way."

I open my mouth to protest but I keep it shut. Gabriel needs my help, Nile needs my help. As much as I want space from him I need to help.


"I owe you, Kiiara." With that Gabe cuts the phone and I text him the address.

I was in upstate New York for a college presentation I had earlier today. I wanted to go home but it was late and I wouldn't get home in time so I stayed at the hotel. Jordan became besties with the family in the apartment next door and I trusted the parents enough to let him sleep over.

I bring all my stuff and check out the hotel, so that Gabe has no choice but to drive me home tommorow morning.

I feel my breathing quicken and I have to force myself to breathe.

3 months.

It's been 3 months since I've seen him, or heard him. And now I'm going to go see him.

Gabe told me he would be too drunk to remember me next morning, and most of me was relieved, but part of me wanted him to remember this.

Wanted him to remember that despite me moving far away from him, I still came back cause he needed me.

Because I cared for him.

Gabe texts me that he's outside the hotel and when I near his car he gets out and gives me a hug.

"Happy New Years."

I laugh. "Interesting start to the year."

"He's in bad shape, Kiiara. I wouldn't have called you if it wasn't serious."

He looks at my bags and raises a brow.

"You're driving me back home after all this. Save me money."

"Yes ma'am."

He puts my suitcases in the trunk and we both sit in the car. I was too curious so I asked all my questions.

"What happened to him? Why is he hurt?"

"Someone punched him by mistake at the bar. He was also very drunk tonight, more than I've seen him since the month this parents died. Exactly a year ago."

"By mistake? How's that possible?"

He sighs. "Other people were drunk and got into a fight, one missed and punched Nile. He surprisingly  didn't punch back and told him to back off but the dude didn't care and hit him again. Nile blacked out and was bleeding bad, I'm sure he has a concussion."

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