chapter 27: phone call away

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^say hi to Gabriel :)
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3 days later

Workouts do wonders for a man's raging hormones.

After stepping out of the shower from a hard workout I grab my deodorant, put it on and tap some cologne. Walking out of my room while putting a t shirt on I see my lovely brother wiping his sweat with a towel.

I look at him and roll my eyes quickly putting my shirt on and heading to the pot of Italian coffee.

"Hermano, don't be mad that your brother is home, we share things."

"I dont share my gym time", I reply pouring myself some coffee.

Lovely Luca over here bombarded my gym room mid workout, blasted Travis Scott during my mid workout, and decided we could share the gym room.

I do not like people when I am working out.

I take a sip of my coffee looking at him from the side to see his annoying smirk.

He knows it annoys me.

"Well what's the plan, Hermano? What are we doing today?", he asks grabbing a banana from the fruit basket.

"I have a lot of work to do."

"Then what can I do to help?", he puts the same emphasis on the "I" that I did.

I look at him to see he was serious. "Ive appointed Francesco to start working on our battle plans in case we need to fight unexpectedly. You can help him with the blueprints."

"Doesn't he take care of Jordan?"

I shrug. "And? That's not his only job."

"Will I be helping him with Jordan too?"

I rinse the cup and grab my office bag. "You don't have to if you don't want. You have work from the company to do too, sì?"

Luca nods. "I kind of want to meet Jordan. He's the reason for all this in depth research."

"Do whatever you want, Luca. I'm heading out to the office okay?" I almost head out the door before I stop and look at him.

"And you are not showering here. You have a whole ass house I gave you."

Luca groans. "But I like your apartment."

"Exactly I do too. Because it's MINE. Now get your ass out and shower."

He rolls his eyes and looks at me. "Cretino."


He laughs at our insults exiting the house before I lock it.

I have guards around my house, though I'm pretty sure I can take out someone in my sleep.

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I hop in my car turning on the ignition.

I had some shit to do today. Driving to the cafeteria to grab some food my mind goes to Kiiara.

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