chapter 39: the call

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*psa, ZIO means Uncle in Italian*

I look across the room at a frustrated Luca, who's pacing around the room and biting the side of his thumb.
I roll my eyes.

He's had this bad habit as a kid.

"Why would Zio hide information from family? Why would- would he even deny the wishes of his family? His grandfather had asked for this. The founder of the Italian Mafia in America. He can't do this one thing?"

I shrug my shoulders. "He's traditional. Zio likes doing things the classic way. He wouldn't want to share the mafia with another family."

Luca stops and looks at me sternly. "Then how in the right mind does he go against a former mafia leaders wishes like that? It's gotten us in a fuc*ed position."

"Look, it doesn't matter what he dares to do in his mind. He's hidden information regarding your parents murder. Kiiara's parents as well. It's not just your family. It's Kiiara's, and the future lives of our mafia.", Gabriel interjects.

We both quiet down and listen to him.

"We made the plan to bait your Uncle, but that will be tough since he is a mafia leader himself."

"He's barely a leader, he just bosses the bases in Italy around", Luca mutters.

I roll my eyes. "No, the best idea is to act like we don't know what he did. We discuss with him like normal, not saying anything that could be used as our disadvantage."
"And I plan to send three of my men to the bases, pretending to be there for some other work but really they will be spying for us. This way we find out where he's hiding those documents and we get them into our New York soil."

"You sure the spies would work?", Luca asks.

"I'm putting together a perfectly sensible excuse to mask their real reason for being in Italy. It will work."

I unlock my phone and stare at Kiiara's name, hovering my thumb over her contact.

Last night we spent the night together, and despite the annoying throb in my head, I fell asleep well. I woke up to her head on my chest and it's scary to say I felt my heart warm immediately.

It was the best way to wake up, and I'd fall asleep with her in my arms anytime she'd like. I had to wake up at 6, and it took me a lot not to fall back asleep with her till noon.

I snap out of my Kiiara daze and tune in to the current argument between my best man and my brother.

"But what if those spies slip up and get caught searching?"

"Then we will initiate backup. Remember, not everyone in Italy follows Zio Sergio, 50% follow Niles orders only."

"Gabriel's right, Luca. I am the mafia of all the bases. He's just filler while I'm not in Italy myself. You've worked with him most you know how he is."

"Which is why I think 3 aren't enough."

"I'll send more as backup if anything goes wrong. Si?"

Luca frowns. "And what about the agents here? What are they gonna do?"

"We will still train them for a possible clash with the Italian agents. Zio very well may send the men on his side here to fight us if anything goes wrong. I will be prepared in all ways. I will also have to bring some of them to Italy. We are getting those 50% on Zios side to mine permanently."

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