chapter 17: it's happening

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My eyes slowly open up to the chirp of the birds in the morning.
The first thing I saw was Kiiara.

She was sleeping on her stomach and her head was away from me but her short hair was sprawled out.

I was extremely comfortable.

Probably because I slept good.

Because Kiiara was here.

Confused on the timing I check my phone.



I was supposed to wake up around 5-6 so no one sees me.

Not that I was embarrassed but I didn't want questions asked.

My eyes look to her sleeping.

She was worried about her pain and I felt horrible. She got beaten up and now this?

I get up from the bed slowly and wipe my eyes.

I look at her again.

It's a weird feeling, honestly.

We are new friends yet we have shared a bed like 5 times already.
And the thing is, it feels like normal.

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I went to the gym for a quick weight lifting session, showered and now was at my desk for some work.

I got a late start to the day which means I'll end later.

I sigh.

But being able to sleep alongside Kiiara it's worth it.

I answer a phone call and then busy myself in emails that I got overnight.

You wouldn't believe how many I get.

Mid writing my phone rings again and I glance at it.

I'll answer after this.

When I look at the ID I answer.


"Morning boss. And bestie. Don't let Gabriel here that."

I laugh.

"How's the mission going?"

" A headache. We get new information on the packages almost every night and we need to shift our plan but it's getting close to finish."


I knew him and he was stalling for time. "What happened?"

"Nothing I um, just wanted to say that..."

He stops talking.

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