chapter 11: face to face

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My Homespace wakes me up, my head meeting with a splitting sound first thing in the morning.

I groan and get up slowly when I remember my concussion yesterday.

I get up to stop the alarm, and on my table I see a more from Gabriel, based on the handwriting.

Call 807 on your Homespace when you wake up. I'll bring a doctor to check you out.

I really missed my phone.

I sit back on my bed, and that's when I remember that

Nile was here.
He was here, right?
It wasn't a dream, he promised me I can talk to Jordan.

He also stayed for a bit.

That wasn't a dream, right?

Confused, I page the number and cover my right side which was still bruised with makeup.

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Gabriel and I walk, talking about normal things when we head to the cafeteria.

"Not hungry?", Gabriel asks when I pick at my oatmeal and eggs.

"Too nervous to eat."

He gives me a smile. "It's okay. Eat something small. We arrived late anyways so you can always wait till after the meeting and eat."

I nod, but my mind was on the meeting.

Today I was going to find out if I passed Level One. All the level one and two's were here to support us and the names would be chosen. I remember Nile telling me I did in fact win my round, but I still can't comprehend if it was a dream or not.

But it felt so real.

Gabriel leads me to the room next to the arena
where everyone was seated and talking.

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Gabriel couldn't sit by me because he had to work. He was Nile's right hand man after all.

I sit in my seat, rubbing my palms on my pants.

"I'm super nervous too", Alyssa who was sitting by me tells me.

She was pretty, 15 years old with naturally blonde hair and a nice smile. I knew she was a guy magnet but one of the positive ones.

The lights go dim everywhere except the big screen in front of us, and everyone goes quiet.

There were two classes of Level One's so it was 10 minutes of agony till I knew my name was coming soon.


"Kiiara Diane Longsdale, passes to Level 2."

I release a deep breath and Alyssa smiles at me. I look for Gabriel who gives me a cute wink back.

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Level One and Two's were chatting quietly, some getting a bite to eat but I follow Gabriel since I'm antisocial.

He brings me in for a side hug as we walk.

"Told you you'll do it. That asshole who tried to try you is trying to breath in a hospital room right now."

That stops me from walking. "What?"

"It was supposed to be a joke."

"But he's okay right?"

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