chapter 22: ink

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"Alright good morning everyone", our instructor greets. "Today is the first day of handling weapons. You're taught the kinds and which weapon to use for what problem, but it's time to put it into action."

"Oh my gosh I'm super excited about this", I gush to Alyssa who smiles in agreement.

Our instructor walks over to a long crate full of knives that glistened under the summer sun filtering through the windows.

They look hot and ready to slice through air

"We will be giving you safety throwing knives for today because I don't trust all of you to learn by the end of class. Pick a partner then we will continue."

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I chose Alyssa and we all stood on single mats, facing a throwing broad feet away from us.

"Today you're in luck. We have a knife specialist who agreed to teach you guys the proper fundamentals of throwing knives. Please welcome Gabriella Torres."

Gabriella enters in with a smile on her face.

She's an expert at knive throwing?

"Morning guys. I want you all to pick up a knife. For now keep the blade pointed to the ground."

She went on explaining how to aim and throw properly, scoring all three targets. There was no doubt she knew her shit.

"Alright, you guys try. Hold the knife the way I did and keep your eye on the target. Think how far, how much strength, don't hit yet", Gabriella says walking around the line of students.

She catches my eye and gives me a small smile.

I examine the blade and position it in my hand the way Gabriella said to. Looking at the target feet away from me, I really zone in.
Soon she gives us the "okay" to shoot and i make my shot. It didn't make the target but it was by the outer circle.

The whole class continued to try. I changed something every time I didn't get to the target.

"Okay guys, some of you got it some of you don't." She continued to explain and so did our instructor.

Okay, second round.

My knife hit the second innermost circle.
Okay, that's good progress Kiiara.

"Good actually", I jump when I hear Gabriella's voice behind me.

I look at her as she examines my hand and knife. "I think its your hand positioning, its not wrong but find something that gives you a better grip."

I move the knife around my hand till I feel comfortable. "Okay, good now aim."

I aim again and it gets on the third inner most circle.

"Good! Don't worry you'll get it", she speaks as she walks away helping others.

Few more tries later I got the hang of it. My knife spun straight into the red target. My classmates around me gawked a little.

"Damn Kiiara, you're the first person to make the target!", Alyssa says.

Gabriella hears this and turns around, looks at the target then at me. She gave me a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

Was she surprised I learned this fast?

I helped Alyssa and then we went to knife positions training.

I look around, half made it on the board like I did and others knives were on the ground.

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