chapter 35: its beginning

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My heart was racing.

I was looking out at the field and literally out of nowhere I see people aiming at Nile. I grab a gun from the trunk and push Nile out of the way shooting both men in the arm. Another man came and rolled a detonator.

Taking a good look I knew it was wasn't a match to Nile's steel bulletproof car.

I told him to duck and I managed to restrain the other man.

I was on high adrenaline.
There was nothing else on my mind but protecting my mafia leader.

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When I was finally able to check on him I realized the detonator did hit him, and a bullet grazed his shoulder. The impact of the detonator had given him a bad concussion and he was barely staying awake as I speed drove back to the mafia.

Thankfully he was speaking to me the whole ride, calling my name calling me baby and asking me lucid questions.

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Grey's Medical Suite

I was sitting in the seat nervously waiting for the doctor to finish inspecting Nile.

"Kiiara- what the hell?", Gabriel came in.

"I- we were on a mission."

"And I didn't know about it? What the hell?", Gabriel's face was full of concern and confusion.

Luca rushes in and looks between us and then at me. He walks towards me and pulls me in for a hug.

"How are you? How is he?"

"I'm okay, I didn't get hurt but Nile has a bad concussion."

Luca searches my face, eyebrows etched with concern.

"Hate to break up the party, but Nile went on a mission alone?"

Luca turns to Gabriel and sighs. "He found a lead and came only to me in concern that he was wrong. I guess he wasn't."

Luca looks at me. "Kiiara, what happened?"

I shrug. "He told me to stay in the car while he goes. He didn't tell me much but when he came back three men tried to attack him."


I nod. "I shot two in time, the third released a detonator but I got him after."

Both men look down processing this. Gabriel starts to smile.

"Kiiara just saved the mafia leader, eh?"

I make a concerned face. "Did I? He's in the hospital right now."

"You did. You realize you successfully saved Nile from further damage? The detonator wasn't your fault. You're going up the ranks for this."

I smile, but my mind was on Nile.
Is he okay?
That was scary as hell

"And you," Gabriel looks at Luca. "You couldn't tell me? I'm Nile's right hand man I should know because if something worse than a concussion happens it's on me as well."

Luca nods. "I would have told you but if the boss says no it's a no. Did Nile find the documents?"

I shrug. "He said he got what he came for."

Luca nods and pulls out his phone. "Alright, I'll be back. Gabriel come with me I'll discuss to you our plan. Kiiara, can you stay here and call me when he's done with the exams?"

I nod. Gabriel gives me a kiss on the forehead before both the guys go.

I slump down in my seat and rub my temples.

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