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(Play Sheck Wes- Mo Bamba Slowed+Reverbed)

"BZZZ" was all that could be heard on the small island. Swing after swing, I felt power strike through my body. I jumped from cliff, to cliff, flipping gracefully. I shot my light beams at small stones structure, that I set up to imitate soldiers. I knocked them back with ease. I leaped extremely high into the air, back flipping before landed in a crouch. I whipped out my lightsabers, igniting them at my sides running full force into a small forest I grew from my fingertips. I ducked and swung through the thick brush. I swung at all the trunks, smelling the burning timbers. I ran through with confidence.

Tree after tree I sliced them all. I ran through the forest, looking back only for a brief second to see the once trees, now cut into stumps. I sent a light orb onto it, setting all of it to fire. I smirked as I saw my destruction. It was beautiful. I walked to the last and highest edge. Any normal person would've died from the fall. But me? I'd be perfectly fine, and I'd look hot doing it. 

I swayed by hips as I put my toes on the edge and turned my body around, so I was facing the burning forest. I smirked and gave a quick two finger salute, as if someone was watching, and fell back. I loved the feeling of falling, always so calm and peaceful, only you and the air. 

I let my hands out, and brought light to my fingertips. I wrapped the light around me as I continued to fall. At the last second, I turned so I was feet first, and landed in a crouch onto the dirt. The light exploded around me, and small flowers sprouted in a circle around my feet. 

I looked up into the sky and brought my hands up, concentrating so hard that I thought permanent creases would be formed into my forehead. As if on command, light drained from the sun and into my hands, I took the beam of light, and using as much force as possible I threw it at the stone ledge. The light exploded into the mountain side, causing it to crack and fall off. I heard the loud boom. But I had fallen to my knees looking down, trying to catch my breath.

(End Song)(Play Sparks-Coldplay slowed+reverbed)

"You're extremely strong (Y/N)" my 'mother' said in my ear, "but are you strong enough?" she finished.

Before I had time to respond, my mind was flooded with death. Death's of people of I loved. An image of my parents crawling out of their burning house but stopping right before they got out. Ahsoka's death, Anakin's death, the clone trooper's who were like older brothers to me, I saw them die to. The death called to me. It tried to take away my light. It lurked in the shadow's, not letting me see it. But it attacked my brain. It wanted me to give up. It was all right there, I could give up right now. Throw away everything I worked for, and choose the easy way out. Let go of all the pain that has been brought upon my shoulders. Let go of all the blood, sweat and tears. Let go of it all. It was all right there and I could taste the death in the air. It danced on my tongue. Taunting me to go find out who it was. It was so dark. So alone.

But I was stronger than this. I fought back. I thought of all the happy moments in my life. When the Jedi took me in as one of their own. When I met my bestfriend Ahsoka. When I first got my own mission. When I ate at Dex's with my old master. Playing tag with some other of my friend's at the temple. The times Obi-Wan and I played cards at the lunch room, and how he always beat me. When Yoda would make me float around in the air during his training sessions, and I would giggle uncontrollably as he tossed and turned me . When I first kissed Anakin. When we danced to La Vie en Rose back in our little hideout. I pictured when we giggled uncontrollably as he would tickle me, and how he used to tackle me when I got out of the shower because I would shiver so much from the freezing water.

And then the darkness started to leave. It was exploding into a thousand pieces, along with screeches of horror as it burned alive. All the pain, and loneliness disappeared. The feeling of death left my head. The fake memories of all my friend's leaving me, along with it. But not before another series of them all together laughing, without me. They didn't care that I was gone. But I knew better, I knew it was all being formed into my head.

I came out of my head, still on my knees. But I noticed a wetness on my cheek's. A salty tear rolled down my face. Tears started falling in a stream as memories of the past few minutes invaded my head. It was so hard. I was so alone. There was so much pain. But I could fight. I would not give up. I would not give in. I fell forward. Crying into the ground. As my hands pressed the ground, more shrubs and little flowers erupted up through the dirt.

"Good (Y/N), Good" the voice in my head spoke, "You're coming along faster than expected" she said, with almost an evil hint in her voice.

I flinched at her words. How was she able to manipulate darkness like that? That was more than an easy vision. She had access to my head. Something wasn't right. Yes she was a past guardian of the light, but she had told me I was more powerful than her.

Nothing she was doing was written in the 100 different books I had read in the past 5 weeks of being here.

I put my mental blocks up in my head, and rolled over. Tears still streaming down my face.

I couldn't trust anyone.

Everyone leaves in the end anyway right?

But one vision in particular haunted me as I tried to rest my eyes.

In the darkness that flooded my mind. All the death, all the pain. Amongst it all, I saw myself. Staring right back at me. Black eyes, with black smudged all over my face. Black orbs filled my hands.

I know it was just a head vision. I knew I could beat it.

But I also know, that even people filled with light and love, had their own darkness. They kept it deep and buried within, not letting anyone see it.

But none the less, it was there. Waiting for it's moment to surface. Lurking in the shadow's.

I knew I had it too, and it would always be there. But I was one of the people that became good at hiding it. I kept it tucked away where no one could find it.

Maybe one day someone would find it, but for right now I couldn't focus on that.

Eventually I drifted to sleep, still haunted by the darkness within me.

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