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After about 3 days on the ship, and not a lot of talking together we finally arrived on the Caladan planet. It was actually kind of nice, it had a castle and everything, but there were gangs everywhere. The place was crawling with bounty hunters. I had explained to Anakin that once we arrived we would be looking for the weird hand gesture.

The ramp descended and we walked out. Quickly seeing a normal looking man who held up three fingers and almost shook his hand. I quickly pointed it out and Anakin followed. The man never spoke to us, he only led us to a set of stairs going down into the ground with a small door at the bottom. He nodded to us and then quickly left. I walked down the stairs, Anakin not even a step behind me. I wasn't paying attention and hit a rock and slipped backwards. However as I was bracing for impact, I never hit the ground. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Anakin's face looking down at me smiling.

I shrugged him off, "Thanks" I muttered and continued down.

"Thank god I was there to save you" He said with a little sarcasm. I rolled my eyes.

"Ah yes my knight in shining armor" I replied with a little chuckle. I then reached the door and pushed it open, revealing an extremely tiny room. The first thing I noticed was the bed. There was only one.

"They knew they were sending two of us right?" I asked in confusion. I swear I saw  a smile cross his lips.

"They must really want us to be together" He said looking down at me. His eyes filled with desperation.

"Yeah no, I'll sleep on the floor" I said, I pushed past him and put my bag on the chair. It was getting late, so I decided to grab a thin blanket and put it on a rug that laid on the stone floor. It was abnormally cold.

"You sure you don't want to sleep in the bed?" Anakin asked with a smirk on his face. I got up.

"Ugh fine, you take that side of the bed and I'll take mine" I ordered. I took off my boots and utility belt. He then proceeded to take off his black shirt. I couldn't help but stare. His abs glistened in the light. I was about to sleep in the same bed as him. He turned around and caught me looking at him. My cheeks went bright red.

"Didn't know I had that affect on you sweetheart" He said pulling up the covers. He rolled over on his side so he was now looking at me.

"You don't so get out of your head hot shot" I said quickly and turned to face opposite of him. I clicked the lamp off.

I woke up and found myself shivering. My tiny body was not used to this cold cellar like room. I then realized no blankets were on my body. I rolled over and found Anakin bundled in them. His eyes however were already on me.

"Warm?" I said as my teeth chattered.

"Very" He said in his rough morning voice. I narrowed my eyes at him, and I went to hit his chest.

However before I could, his hand caught mine and pulled me underneath the blankets. He rolled over so then I was on top of him. Now swaddled in the blanket. His body heat radiated onto me. It felt so nice but I then realized the position was in.

"Warm?" He asked, a smug smile crossed his face.

"I-" I could barely form words. I didn't know what so say.

"You're going to pay for that" I said back. That was all I could think of. I pushed out from under the blanket's. I knew what Anakin was doing, he did it to every girl. Every girl except me. I wouldn't fall for him, or fall for his little flirty tricks.

"Oh yeah, and how?" He questioned, looking at me as I clipped my utility belt on.

I just shrugged. The silent treatment. It always worked. After he tried talking to me a few times, and saw I wasn't answering he picked up on it.

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