New Boy

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It had been a day since we landed back on Coruscant. The council and I decided it would be best to take a little break, because Palpatine obviously wasn't an idiot and might find out what we were up to.

"Alright seriously (Y/N) what's up with you, you've been a miserable since getting out after the medical bay" Ahsoka says from across the room. I look up at her and throw her a faint smile.

I could lie and say it was that time of the month but it would be useless because she knows when I'm lying. To be honest Anakin's words were still affecting me. No matter how much I hated him.

"Look before I came and found you I went to the bridge to give Anakin a piece of my mind," I start saying.

"Oh no" She replies.

"And when I found him I told him about how much of an asshole he's been and that he has no right to be mad especially after what he did to me" I continued, "I tried to storm off but he grabbed me and told me how I'm nothing and he doesn't care about me what so ever" I finish. "I know I'm supposed to hate him but his words stung"

Her jaw drops a little bit. She mumbles something under her breath and looks back to me.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) but honestly I think you need to make him jealous" She replies with a sneaky smile on her face.

I scoff, "Yeah like he would give a shit" I reply.

"You'd be surprised" She says. Her thumb is on her bottom lip.

"But for now we need to go do something" She says with a smirk.

"I know that look, what are you up to?" I smirk back. Whenever Ahsoka had an evil idea she had a certain gleam in her eyes, and the corners of her lips lift an an evil way.

"I think I know what we should do" She says in a teasing way.

"Ugh just tell me" I say grumbling.

"Let's go clubbing" She says smiling. Her white teeth in perfect rows.

"I don't kno-"

"Nope were going" She states, "go take a shower we will leave in an hour" She orders and points to my bathroom.

I give her a soldier salute and fake march to my bathroom. I hear her laugh at my actions and then I shut the bathroom door.

I peel my clothes off and turn on the shower. I personally love cold showers, always are more refreshing.

After about a 15 minute shower, of massaging my scalp and cleansing my skin, I wrap a white towel on my head and then a white towel around my body. I moisturize and then spray some perfume.

I walk out and see Ahsoka and see her in the same white towel attire. I walk into my walk in closet and I realize how empty it is. I grab a white tee shirt and a black mini skirt. I brush my hair and walk out.

Ahsoka looks amazing. She has a sexy blue bodycon dress, that matches her eyes. She turns around and gives me a what-are-you-wearing type of glare.

"What I didn't have anything else" I shrug and she walks over to me and practically rips my shoulder out of it's socket as she's dragging me to her closet. I find it much fuller than mine is.

"You are NOT going clubbing in an outfit like that" She looks me up and down once with a look of disgust.

"You have an insane body, at least show it off" She argues as she shoves a white sparkly mini dress at me. It's almost identical to hers.

 It's almost identical to hers

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