Corporate Decision

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When Ahsoka and I got home from our business meeting, we planned to head to the temple the next morning to give the holocron back, we were both tired out of our own asses due to our little business meeting. We both dosed off quick.

*fast forward to 8:30 a.m.*

"Ahsoka let's go we have to get up" I said as I bang on her door. The boys are no where to be seen which is odd because they're usually sprawled on the couch or already making breakfast. I plop down on the couch and wait for her.

Ahsoka comes out and we both hop in her speeder to go the temple. This time we blast 'Slippery' by Migos and it get's hype.

Once we reach the temple steps we stroll through the landing deck, greeting some old friends and we headed for the holo room we commlinked Obi-Wan to meet us in. We pushed in through the doors to see a very nervous Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Plo Koon. However our eyes also met the eyes of two very familiar smug-faced people. Anakin and East both wore dirty smirks.

I tossed Obi-Wan the holocron casually, and laughed when he practically leaped for it and hugged it close.

"So that's where you two went" Ahsoka chides while looking over the table. East winked at her and Ahsoka blushed so hard I think she beat the sith's lightsaber.

"Now what has got you three so worked up" I add turning to face Plo, Yoda and Obi. Plo Koon awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, and Yoda seems to be fascinated by his feet.

"Well- uh there a new mission for you both" Obi-Wan carefully chooses his words.

"Perfect" I say smiling towards Ahsoka, "when do we leave?"

"You're actually not together. Ahsoka will accompany Easton to the planet Onderon to check out possible threats amongst the pirates" Plo says.

"Okay well what am I doing here?" I ask.

"We have a special mission for you" Yoda says unsteadily tapping his cane on the ground. What has them all riled up?

"A very very special mission" Anakin says as his eyes travel my body. Alright this is getting a bit weird.

"It was a corporate decision" Obi-Wan starts, "to put you up to this mission"

"You're going to go after some bounty hunters who are trading information on us to Palpatine" He finishes.

"Okay so what's the issue?" I furrow my brows.

"It's in a club" Yoda says.

"Okay?" I question.

"A strip club" Anakin smiles from across the table. I feel my cheeks heat up. Oh sweet jesus.

"You're going to have to act as a stripper while Anakin and I go in to capture the men" Obi-Wan says, I can tell he feels uncomfortable with this plan, he's a father to me.

I just stand there while everyone turns uneasy. I hear a few murmurs like 'I'm going to head out' and I hear Ahsoka say she'll meet us outside. Only Anakin and I are in the room.

"Why couldn't they give this job to Ahsoka" I say covering my face with my hands. I groan and turn to look at him.

"Isn't it quite obvious" He states. He crosses his arms and turn his head a little.

"No I don't really get what's obvious" I roll my eyes.

"How every man practically drops dead in your presence, how every woman whispers how they could look like you, and how any person thinks about fucking you any chance they get" He says looking down at me. I freeze at the last part.

"But Ahsoka is just as pretty-"

"Shut up" He growls before he uncurls his arms and leans me back onto the table. He places his arms on the edge, holding his massive chest above my body. My core practically erupts in flames, along with between my legs.

He leans down and places a kiss on my neck. I turn my head to give him more access.

"You" He says between kisses.

"Are" Another kiss.

"Fucking" He trails his hands up to my waist and pins them there. He rubs small circles which are driving me insane. A small moan escapes my mouth.

"Perfect" He breathes. He picks his head up and looks down at me, and then to my lips. He doesn't waste a second before crushing them to my own. This kiss isn't sweet though, it's a hungry, powerful, wanting kiss. I moan into his mouth and he groans back.

He breaks it and were both breathing a little heavy.

"Now" He starts with a mischievous glint in his eye, "I think it's time we did a little shopping"

"Shopping?" I question back. He pulls away and leans up, crossing his arms. Wow his arms look so hot from this angle. I wonder how many pull ups he can do? Shut up, stop it, focus.

"Yeah for lingerie" He says with perfect boredom. As if the words, "lingerie" didn't just come out of his mouth. Yeah I had bought lingerie before, no shit, but with Anakin? Trying on lingerie? Oh sweet baby jesus.

"Right- um yeah" I stutter. I muster up a smile and meet his eyes. He loosens one arm and grabs my chin.

"Nervous are we, princess?" He quirks an eyebrow at me. I was about to explode and I can't imagine the color of my face but instead of submitting to his little charade, I would dish it right back.

I let out a low laugh and shake my head. "Please, you" I say as I press my pointer finger into his chest, "are not the first man I've ever tried lingerie on for". I push past him and stride for the door. But of course, it wouldn't be a conversation without Anakin getting the last word. He tugs at my arm, and I am smashed into his rock hard chest. My breathing becomes uneven and I press my thighs together.

I feel his breath on my neck, and then on the back of my ear. "Careful love, I won't be able to control myself" He breaths out. My heart is pounding, as if he can hear it. I professed my love for him, yet I still get riled up.

"Hm" I say, pretended to think, "maybe that's exactly what I want".

*sorry for the short update ive been CRAZY busy*

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