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"So if Palpatine's forces will be here, then we go here" I said as I pointed to a map. Right now we were interpreting an intercepted transmission from one of Palpatine's men, the council sent it to us as they were trying to solve an issue on Kamino, so currently, all work was on us. Ahsoka and I were in an council room, Anakin and East went to go retrieve some data from security cameras around the city.

"Sound's about right, we lead a battalion in, and from the numbers they projected, Anakin and East flank the sides trapping them in" Ahsoka says pointing out the flanking areas. This war was brewing quickly, and Palpatine was getting stronger.

Some might say I was crazy but I could feel it, somewhere in my blood or my bones, I could feel his power becoming greater as if he was waiting to unleash it upon us.

I downloaded the strategy onto a chip, and then forwarded the information to Plo Koon who I had been working with closely on forming these strategies along with the clones.

Ahsoka clicked off the table, and slowly made her way to my side. We had been decoding and analyzing for hours and we were both tired.

"Ready to head home" I huffed a laugh, which didn't meet my eyes.

"Oh hell yes" she responded. We walked out the temple's steps to Ahsoka's speeder and both hopped in. I drove this time, and put on the  song 'Come As You Are' by Nirvana. We both air guitared when it came to the part which had us both in a fit of giggles, quickly pulling us out of that looming fog over our eyes from the war room. 

Ahsoka and I never loved war, who does? We were always reckless, pulling some cool trick to try to get on the holonet's front page. Always laughing and having fun, and when it came down to business we were serious, but this war was starting to put everyone on edge.

We reached our apartment, and we parked the speeder on the landing platform. I went into my room, I dropped my training outfit and put on a lacy black bra and underwear set. Don't scold me, it was the only clean undergarments I had.

I then slung on an oversized hunter green hoodie, which had a few small white stars embroidered on the left breast. On the back, embroidered just like the stars, was a segment of our galaxy. Beautiful moons and stars, all placed together so perfectly. I had made the sweatshirt after I saw it coming back from Naboo. I then pulled up some cream colored sweatpants and some socks.

I walked out to find Ahsoka setting up a table with red solo cups.

"And what exactly are you up to?" I said with a hand on my hip. She turned her head to look at me, eyes gleaming and a smirk settled upon her lips.

"I figured we needed a little fun" She said as she poured some pink liquor into each cup. I laughed and made my way to one end of the table as she took up the other.

I shot first, sinking it. You may not know this about me but I am a pro at beer pong.

"Damnit I forgot how good you were at this" She mumbled from across the table. I laughed again as she shot and hit the rim. It rolled around but I popped it out of the cup before it could touch the bottom. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, but then broke into laughter along with me.

The elevator doors opened at that very moment, carrying  very smug faced, Anakin and East. Ahsoka and I stopped dead in our tracks.

"And what has you ladies so joyous?" East asked, a smirk at his lips. Anakin walked towards us a bit, peering over my shoulder. They both kicked off their shoes.

"Beer pong?" He asked swinging back towards East who was already making his way towards me and Ahsoka.

Anakin came right up beside me, and I turned to look at him.

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