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"Anakin we must leave immediately" Obi-Wan yells as he's running out the door.

I make sure I have my sabers and a few extra ion detonators before I run out right after him into the main hangar. I hop onto a transport ship with Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon, and a few of my 501st buddies. 

The transport ship's take off, and were all heading down to surface of the planet Alderaan.

It's been about 3 months since the Separatists and the Sith started launching large scale attacks on planets owned by the Republic. The 501st and I have been planet hopping, to make sure no real damage is done.

Down on Alderaan we intercepted a transmission, going to the droids stating that they were to fire at will, at anything or anyone.

We got into our transports as quickly as possible and are headed there now. The ship is a deathly quiet. Nobody speaks, or rather is to scared.

The separatists have been sending more and more droids to each planet, and from what our scanners say, this is the most we've seen yet.

"Sir, we are landing in approximately 30 seconds" I hear Rex say.

"Thank you Rex, everyone, prepare for landing sequence!" I yell through the ship. They all nod back in return, and turn towards the doors of the ships. The ship lands with a jolt, and the doors open. The battlefield is big, wide, flat, and open.

"Great" I say with sarcasm looking to Rex. He gives me a small chuckle in return.

"All men, stay behind the commanders," I say as I motion towards all the Jedi, "we can cover you that way. We will have to take them head on, there is no where else to go!" I shout over the incoming ships. They nod and all of the Jedi get into formation. Each igniting their lightsabers.

"This is where the fun begins!" I shout as I run in to the oncoming wave of droids. Shouts and war cry's can be heard for miles. Blaster's and lightsabers turn into a chaotic melody as we meet our enemy.

The Jedi take out the first wave. I slash and cut through what felt like 300 droids. But more and more kept coming. They were swarming us. We formed a large circle, all back's to the middle so no one could be taken out from behind.

I force pushed a group of droids back. I ran and picked up one of their blaster's in one hand, while I had my saber in the other. I slashed through groups on one side, and I individually shot at the metalheads from the other.

I dropped the blaster, regaining control on my saber. The more droids that came at me, the more I slashed at them. But I was starting to tire. It had only been about 20 minutes of fighting, but they overwhelmed us. The other clones, and the Jedi were all getting tired.

The sloppiness in my fighting became noticeable, and at this point I was swinging at whatever I could reach. The clones started to get hit, and I couldn't bear to watch anymore of my soldiers die.

"FALL BACK!" I scream towards the crowd. The droid waves kept coming and we wouldn't be able to hold that position for long. I hate giving up, especially in a battle like this, but I had to do it to save my friends.

I find some boulders a little farther back and instruct everyone to fall behind them to grab cover. We could wait until they were close and throw some larger bombs at them.

Ahsoka looked like a spinning ball of light with her sabers. She was always really skilled, and had incredible endurance and energy. She jumped, and flipped over the boulders, landing in a neat crouch. Behind her was Obi-Wan, along with Yoda. Yoda sent a last force push towards the droids, sending a mass wave of them down. Mace and Plo Koon ran behind the boulders not long after. We all sat in a crouch, contemplating our choices.

"There are too many we have to leave" Plo Koon ushered. It's true, their were way to many droids, and more ships had just landed to drop off heavy assault droids.

"Can't we call for reinforcements?" Ahsoka shouts over the blasters the clones were shooting. We had a whole battalion, and the Jedi behind a set of rocks. We were screwed. They had us.

"We are the reinforcements!" Mace yells back.

This was starting to get really bad. We were losing the battle. Bloodied bodies were scattered everywhere. Clones were shouting, Master's were fighting.

There was nothing left to do. I guess today was our day. If this was the way I was supposed to die, then at least I died a warrior's death.

But something strange caught my attention. A small golden ball flew through the air.

"What is that?" Obi-Wan asked from beside me.

"I'm not sure" I replied.

The golden aura landed in a graceful crouch in the middle of the battlefield. It sent a wave throughout the field that shook the ground.

Every master, and every clone stood in shock. Their eyes were wide, and no one dared to move. Even the droids had all stopped moving in pure shock and amazement.

I couldn't help but feel my powers inside me swell. I haven't felt this presence in a long time, not since....

"(Y/N)" I whispered. Every single master and clone turned towards me. Their jaws dropped and whispers were thrown around like detonators.

"No way"

"It can't be"

"I thought she was dead"

"Commander (Y/L/N)?"

"Hey you guys might want to come watch this" I heard Ahsoka's voice say. It broke the chatter as everyone watched her ignite her sabers. Every master and clone stood there in awe. How was this possible?

She left, and I hated her for it.

"She's gonna die anyway, do you see how many droids are there? That's enough to keep three battalions busy for a week" I scoffed. Everyone took a quick glance at me. With either confusion or to see what my emotions were.

They all knew how much I cared about her, and how much I hated her now.

"Great" I whispered to myself with sarcasm. 

My mind was racing but one thing was clear, I hated her guts.

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