The training room

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"Shut up East" I growled as I tried to read. It had been about a week since the council said that me East, Anakin and Ahsoka were a new team. To be honest I don't mind that much, were all extremely skilled, and work together well.

They moved us out of the temple, and into our own apartment. It was massive with a kitchen, training room, a large circular living room with couches and chairs and tables, and then 4 rooms coming off of the space.

It was gorgeous, and we were all given full closets of clothes, and magnificent gowns for Ahsoka and I. We each had our own bathroom as well.

"No (Y/N) I want to play music" He groans back.

"Do you ever think about anyone but yourself?" I snap back.

"Yeah, you" He smirks.

I narrow my eyes and curl my lip in disgust. I slam my book down and storm to the training room. There was nothing a punching bad couldn't fix.

I slam the door open and walk in not even looking up. I take the shirt I had on off, throwing it to the ground so I was only in my grey shorts and sports bra set. It was only then I heard feet behind me, and the presence of someone.

I shoot around and see Anakin there. Shirtless and glistening from sweat. His curls were slightly damp, and he had on black shorts.

I wanted to scold myself for gawking at how gorgeous he looks. His scar so perfect. His eyes. Everything. His blank face turned into a smirk as he stepped towards me. He stepped so close. I looked up into his eyes. Which were greedily staring at my lips.

I grin toyed at my lips.

"So eager to get your clothes off are you love?" He says looking up to meet my eyes. My breath hitched at the word love.

His eyes take a long moment to travel the length of my body and back up to my eyes.

"I could say the same to you" I say back, my finger traces his pecs. I can feel him shudder under my touch. At least I still got it.

"Now are you gonna take me on or what" I say pushing him back. He smirks as he steps away a few feet from me.

I put my hands up ready for his attack. I know his fighting style. When we were stuck together in that room we trained a lot. He attacks first.

He comes charging at me. He may have brute strength but I'm quick and fast. I dodge his first swing, and I pop right back up. I land a nasty punch to his throat and another to his face. He growls and swings again, this time hitting me in the stomach. I gasp for air at the sheer force of his hit. My throat feels like it's closing. I come at him again, I kick him in the stomach, and I clash my forehead with his. He groans from pain.

I falter for a second but he picks up on it. He punches me in the face hard, and full of anger. Sweat beads on the top of my lip and my forehead. Were circling the room, landing more and more punches on each other.

One opportunity, he kicks me in the stomach and I fall to the ground. He get's on top of me, and straddles my hips, he places a strong hand on my throat, not to choke me, but to keep me in place. Heat blooms across my body. Butterflies swim in my stomach as he brings his face closer to mine. His breath is on my face, he pushes a strand of hair out of my face, stuck from sweat.

"I win" He whispers in my ear. His lips brush my cheek. My cheeks heat up, red from tension. I know what to do now.

I buck my hips up and quickly spin, landing me on top on Anakin. He seems surprised when it happens. I place my hand on his throat now as I straddle him. I grind my hips down a little onto his front, just to push him over the edge. He groans and mumbles something under his breath. I bring my lips down to his ear now.

"you sure about that?" I question. I make my lips brush his cheek just like he did to me. I pull my face away but not far. Our noses are a centimeter from touching, our breath is hot and heavy.

All I want him to do is crush his lips against mine. My heart wants him, misses him, but I know he doesn't feel that way back. He never did. But none the less, I can't find it in my guts to pull away. My body is craving his touch.

From the side of me I hear a camera click. I freeze as I turn my head to the right, Anakin does too.

Sure enough Ahsoka had her commlink camera out. East is to her left. Leaning on the doorway, arms crossed. Ahsoka has the widest grin on her face, East is smirking with mischief as well. I scramble off Anakin.

"You two look close" She smirks, and looks at Anakin and then at me. I mentally scold myself for letting that little slip up happen.

"Ahsoka" Anakin warns in a low husky voice. I tremble as I feel him stand up behind me.

"What it's not like you two made out" She says throwing her hands up.

"But we both know you want to" East adds. I shoot him a glare and then look back at Anakin who is now looking at me. I pull my gaze away and walk towards Ahsoka.

"You are so dead for this" I say under my breath but loud enough so she can hear.

And with that I walk out of the training room to take a shower.

(A/N- Sorry this is short but I wanted to get a quick chapter out)

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