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"mother please stop you're hurting me!" I screamed as pain seared through my body.

"you need to be strong girl" she snapped with a deathly tone.

It's been 5 months since I had written up my plan, though it felt like years. My mother got more suspicious by the minute, and was starting to inflict pain on me. It became a daily thing, and my pain tolerance was certainly building.

But nothing hurt more than being separated from my friends. Hell if I could see Anakin right now it would be better than being on this god damn island for one more minute. Everyday I was tortured through training. Although I've grown to hate her, my mother's training has successfully made me into the warrior the prophecy states. There isn't one person I don't think I'm ready for, even Palpatine.

However I sat through my mother's pain sessions. Because tonight was the night. After 243 grueling days of pain, or rather 8 months, I need to go home. I don't know how much longer I can last in isolation.

Here was my plan:

First I needed to get into that temple. At first, I knew I shouldn't go in there. But I was ready now. Whatever was in there I was ready. I meditated everyday, and my mind was extremely strong. I could fully block out my mother now. 

Once I got into the temple, I'll find something I need. I read books all about this island, and the ticket off is almost like a trial. Think of it as a Jedi Knight's trials. I have to face something or rather someone to get out of here.

After I get past that it's really about the transportation. Luckily I got something hidden up my sleeve. I had seen every single square inch of this hell hole. On the opposite side of the ridge, there was a bunch of moon pool's. One day when I was hiking, I decided to take a swim. I jumped into one of the larger pools and hit some extremely hard rock. Except when I hit it, it clanked as if it was metal. I looked down and saw a red and white x-wing fighter. Perfect condition except for the fact that it was submerged in water. Obviously someone had been here before me, or maybe the force granted it to me. Either way I kept it hidden, knowing I could use it for later.

Although I could technically use my power to get me through space, I would rather use the fighter, so I could use my light for a rather grander entrance.

All I had to do was get to the temple, sneak up there, pass the trial, slide down the opposite side of the ridge, grab the submerged fighter, hope it still works, and then take off.

"Could be worse" I smiled faintly before another shock wave of pain was sent through my body. But I fought it, I always did. This though, had only made my mother more angry. She was furious she couldn't access my mind. To be honest she should've caught me at my weaker moments, but the woman was a dumb bitch anyway. I bet she was ugly too, but then again, where would I get my gorgeous features and rocking bod from? Let's hope it was my father.

I trembled on the ground. I waited for the next wave to come through, but it never did. Slightly relieved, I sat up. Dusting off my pristine white suit.

I honestly had no idea how this thing wasn't trashed from all the dirt, mud, water, and other things. Must've been force protected because damn it was still a badass suit. The gold and white features stuck out on my golden tan skin. My hair was in a braid down my back. Pieces of hair stuck to my sweating forehead.

"I'm done with you for today" My mother grumbled, "one day I will break you child, you better pray that day never comes" she adds, sneering.

"it's a shame you're to weak to break me" I practically giggle back. I know she hears me but she doesn't respond.

I pick myself up and head over to a small pond. I take off my clothes, and walk in. Letting myself submerge in the chilly water.

My head is finally peaceful, and my mind is blank. I almost wish I could stay like this forever, but I know I can't. I got a job to do, and let's just say I should be feared. I'm ruthless. Palpatine is going down, and I will be the one to kill him.

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