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My eyes fluttered from the sunlight that started to bore into the cave we took shelter in. However I didn't feel the cool jagged rock on the cave floor. No, I felt warm, and safe, I felt at home. I found myself cocooned in Anakin's arms. My head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck, our legs were tangled together, and he had his arms around my waist. I turned my head up and saw his eyes were still closed. I pressed gentle kisses onto his forehead. I saw the corners of his lips turn upward. His eyes fluttered open, meeting mine. That piercing blue I always loved. 

"Well good morning beautiful" he whispered. His voice low and raspy. I felt my own smile start to appear. There was no way I could ever hate this man. Remembering what happened last night, I quickly started to pull away, but this only caused Anakin to groan and pull me closer. I giggled into his skin.

"Anakin we need to go" He said softly up to him. He rolled his eyes and groaned again.

"Please five more minutes" He pleaded, look at me with sad eyes.

"No we need to call the council" I said with a little regret, I really didn't want to leave his grasp. I saw him sigh and fake pout. I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before parting.

"Not just yet" He said before grabbing my jaw and pressing a passionate kiss to my lips. My heart and stomach fluttered. I wondered how it was possible to be so in love with someone. To be in such a trance nothing else mattered.

"I love you so much Anakin" I whispered as the words practically spilled out of my mouth. A little taken aback at what I said my hand semi flew up to my mouth. But he just sat there. Wide-eyed and beaming. 

He all of a sudden grabbed me into the biggest hug I've ever been enveloped in. His head sat on top of mine. Our hearts beating in sync.

"all you are, is all that I'll ever need" He whispered. Grasping me tighter. I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. But not of sadness, of happiness. Pure happiness based on one singular person. One singular person who I would travel through all the galaxies and back for. I gave him one last tight squeeze and got up.


The council told us that we must stay hidden, we had done our job but sending a ship this soon would raise suspicion, giving that the castle logged every ship that came into the planet. But because we found out everything we needed to, we were given the extra time off. I asked about the whole, 'chosen one of the sun and stars' but they straight up ignored the question and continued talking about what Anakin and I were supposed to do, but not after a few worried glances.

Somehow we found a way to sneak home, completely undetected.

Once we got to the hideout we just sat and talked for hours. About everything. Families, our backstory, where we came from, heck even our favorite colors and why. We learned everything about each other. Eventually pounding rain started again. I turned on my favorite song. La vie en rose, and I grasped Anakin's hand. He spun me around, and dipped me as we swayed into the night. Laughing and giggling. Sharing memories as the music played on repeat.

God how I could stay like this forever.

Eventually we laid down, I sat leaning back into Anakin as he played with my hair, braiding it into all sorts of creations.

"You know my mother would have loved you" He said softly into my ear. He had told me about how he wasn't able to save her. My heart ached for him, wanting to plant a thousand kisses on his lips, and then a thousand more.

"You think?" I questioned him while turning back to glance into his eyes. I leaned farther into him as he slowly stopped braiding my hair and wrapped his hands around my stomach. 

"I think? I know. She would have adored everything about you," he said as he placed a kiss on top of my head. He continued, "much as I do" he said as he leaned into my hair. I intertwined my hand with one of his and rubbed my thumb along the back of his hand.

"How did I get so lucky to have you?" I said, still rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand.

"I ask my self the same question about you everyday" He responded. He then pulled the comforter on top of us and we both slowly drifted into a euphoric sleep.


The next week and a half were much like the same. Dancing cuddling and talking. It was night time again, and it felt as if the rain that had been falling for the past week would never end.

"You know, I told the stars about you." Anakin said from across the bed where he was sitting.


"I told the stars about you," he said again, "and I think they're jealous" he smiled.

"Jealous of what?" I giggled, feeling my heart warm to his words.

"Your eyes. The way they glow when the sun hits them," he said almost nonchalantly. 

Time stopped really. It's seems any words that stirred at the end of my tongue were flushed away. I really didn't know what to respond with.

"Your smile too, the way it lights up a room" he added, still smiling at me. I fell back onto our bed and looked at the ceiling, and after a moment, I rolled onto my side to look up at Anakin.

"And then..." he stopped short, not finishing his sentence.

"And then what" I asked gazing at him. He laid his head right on the pillow next to mine.

"And then I remembered I don't deserve to be loved by a soul as beautiful as yours" He whispered. His beautiful eyes brimming with tears. My heart practically broke at the sight. 

"You deserve the galaxy Anakin, and if I could hand it to you, I would" I whispered, tears now brimming in my eyes.

"You already have" Was the last thing he said before grabbing me and swaddling me in his arms.

I was his and he was mine.

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