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"Malfoy Manor? why am I here. WHAT JUST HAPPENED!? did I just aperate? I thought dad said you couldn't apperate inside of Hogwarts? OWW!!" you shout as the pain gets worse. "Maybe I should just knock on the door."

Draco notices you and heard you scream so he came rushing out. 

"Y/N!! what's wrong? how are you here?" he ask.

"I-i Don't know but Draco we need your mom, she healed me but, OWW! my stomach, pain, it really hurts draco" you say holding back tears.

"Okay, okay come here." he picks you up bridal style and carries you into the house where Narcissa is.

"Oh merlin what happened?" she ask as draco lays you down on the couch.

"I-i don't know mother she said it was her stomach where you healed her and its was really bad pain." Draco says nervously.

"yeah, what he said." you say biting your lip to try and not scream or cry and taking deep breathes.

"Okay can I see?" she asks.

"mhhm" you say lifting up your shirt a little more so she can see your stomach but not too much to where Draco feels uncomfortable because honestly..... you needed him.

"Okay it looks like there is nothing wrong, I- I don't know why your in pain, wait, i'll be right back." she says walking out of the room.

"it's okay y/n i got you." Draco says kissing your forehead.

"here drink this" Narcissa says handing you a cup of a clear liquid. 

"What is that mother?" Draco asks.

"Healing potion" She says.

You drink it and slowly feel better. You and Narcissa are now sitting on the couch together and Drao went to go finish packing up the small things he need for tomorrow.

"Y/n darling?" she asks.

"yes?" you say.

"How did you get here anyway?" she asks with a tiny chuckle. 

"To be honest I have no idea, One moment I was walking around the hall of hogwarts to get my mind off the pain and its was just so unbearable so I stopped walking and I closed my eyes and just focused on breathing and thinking about seeing draco tomorrow and ginny and everyone else, then I got dizzy and a weird feeling throughout my whole body so I opened my eyes to prepare to pass out or something but when I opened them I didn't see the halls of Hogwarts I saw Malfoy Manor." you say resting your head on her shoulder.

"Well you unknowingly apperated, but I thought you couldn't apperate outside of hogwarts?" She asks.

"I thought the same thing." you say.

Narcissa just kisses your forehead and gives you a hug.

"Hey y/n, your father is probably wondering where you are." A deep voice sasy from the doorway. It was Lucius, you liked him but not as much as Draco or Narcissa. 

"Your right, I should be leaving." you say standing up.

"Yeah I suppose." Narcissa says standing up. "I could apperate you?" She asks.

"yes please I don't know If i could do it again even if i tried." you say with a laugh.

"Apparate? You can't apperate inside or outside of hogwarts." Lucius says.

"I think the barrier is broken because I did." you say.

"Oh...well I must be off, good to see you again y/n" Lucius says leaving.

"you too." you say as he leaves. 

'Well I will apperate you on the border outside of Hogwarts just to be safe." Narcissa says grabbing your hand.

"Wait!" Draco says running into the living room. He hugs you tightly and whispers, "I love you, see you tomorrow." 

"Love you too dray." you say with a smile and you and Narcisa apperate. 

"That's weird." you say.

"What is love?" she asks turning to you.

"Nothing it's just, it didn't feel like that when I did it." you say.

"Ok well I must head back, And by the way I love your outfit!" she says with a smile.

"Oh why thank you." you say with a laugh and she apperates back home.

Narcissa's POV......

I drop y/n off at hogwarts and apperate back to the Manor. As soon as I walk in Lucius is waiting for me. 
"Narcissa!" he says 

"Yes darling?" i say quite more nervous than I expected to be.

"Remember what y/n said about the barrier?" he asks me.

"Yes, why?" I ask quiet confused at what he was getting at.

"Well I informed the dark lord that the barrier might be malfunctioning and so he has sent some domentor's to check it out and the barrier is gone!" he says excited.

"That's amazing lucius!" I say but I am quite  nervous about Draco and y/n's safety but I don't tell him that, he might think i've gone soft, have i?

"Yes I am out to celebrate with some "friends" I will be back later don't wait for me." he says leaving out the door.

"Okay then." I think to myself as I just decide to head to bed but I stop at Draco's room to say goodnight but I see him asleep already and just smile and head to my room.

Y/N's POV.....

I Head back to my room and notice that my father is waiting for me. 

"Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS TERRIFIED!" he shouts which catches me off guard.

"I-I am sorry I was just out on a walk." I say with tears forming in my eyes.

"Y-Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to y-yell." he says with a feeling of guilt.

"Its okay don't worry about it but I am tired so I'm headed to bed." I say walking up the spiral staircase and closing the door and going to bed.

AN: I am so sorry that this chapter is so short and it's not my best work but I will try better. More chapters coming soon!

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