The Dinner.

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"Y/N!!" They all shout running up to you.

you turn back into your normal self and surprisingly have your clothes on still and you did not realize it but you have a giant gash on your stomach.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." you say standing up.

"No babe you're not." Ginny says realizing what she just said.

"What did you call me?" You say caught off guard.

"I'm sorry." ginny says.

"No dont be it was cute." you say then realizing your stomach. "Oh, that's why i'm in pain." you say with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah we should fix you up." Molly says.

"Oh, I got it." Narcissa says and uses her wand to heal you quickly. 

"Thank you auntie." you say giving her a hug.

"No problem." she says.

"Good to see you again cousin." Sirius says giving Narcissa a warm smile.

"Good to see you too." she says.

"Well time for dinner shall we." Molly says gesturing everyone inside.

Everyone heads inside and sits down. All the grownups on one side of the table and all the kids on the other.

"So y/n how did that accident even happen?" Ron asks.

"Well I was running through the woods and I fell over a really sharp piece of wood." you say blatantly.

"Ok then." Ron says. 

"So Draco how have you been?" Sirius asks him.

"Well I you have probably heard that I am a jerk and a bully but ever since I met y/n I believe i have changed. I don't know how." he looks at you. "She has made me a happier person." he looks back at everyone else, "I am very grateful that we get along and she didn't assume anything about me and got to know me first before believing what she has heard. Don't get me wrong I was a jerk a bully but this year I am hoping to make things right with all the people I have hurt in the past." he says with a smile. 

"That is amazing Draco, your mother must be very happy with your choice." Sirius says.

"Yes I am and y/n not only make Draco a happier person but made me a happier person and I told her that, she is one of a kind and I think she will do many great things, Sirius, Remus, you two are very lucky to be her fathers." Narcissa says.

"Thank you cissa." Sirius says. "Yes thank you." Remus adds.

It is now after dinner and the adults are just making conversation while the kids are hanging out in the living room.

"So y/n, ginny are you guys like dating or something?" Draco asks. You and ginny just look to each other and back to Draco, "Uhm yeah I suppose you could say that." you say looking at ginny once more and she nods her head in agreement.  

"I'm happy for you guys." Draco says with a smile.

"Hey draco Darling we should head home before your father gets back." Narcissa says with a warming smile.

"Already? alright?" Draco says with a fake pout. "Oh don't pout you will see her at school remember." Narcissa says. Draco face goes from a fake pout to a glowing smile. "Oh right! I will see you in two days!" Draco says giving you a big hug.

"See you later love." Narcissa says giving you a hug.

"Bye." you say with a smile.

Narcissa's POV....

Me and Draco Leave the burrow and I apperate us back to Malfoy Manor. "I am headed to bed mother have a good night." Draco tells me as he walks up to his sleeping chambers. I think to myself, "He really is happy now and I don't know what the events coming up in the future will do to him." I walk into my favorite place of the house, the library and I see no other than my dreadful, of course exhausted and a little drunk husband Lucius.

"Hello love." he says standing up with a little wobble from the alcohol. "Hello darling, was work alright?" I ask in my soft tone. "No! IT WAS TERRIBLE!" he says giving my a sloppy drunk kiss. "Oh i'm sorry." I say sitting down in my favorite chair. "Where is uh what's his name?" He asks. "Draco, our Son!" In say in a stirn tone of voice now. "Yes, him where is he?" He asks. "He went to bed." I tell him. "And where were you two this evening?" he asks sitting down next to me. "We uhm, we were invited to the Burrow for dinner." i tell him a bit nervous now. "What the hell is a burrow?" he asks. "Just a friend's house." I tell him. "IT better not be those blood traitor weasley's house I DO NOT want you around them ESPECIALLY when a big thing is coming up like this!" he shouts. "Don't worry Lucius, I'm trying to get them all on my good side especially y/n. I need her to trust me and Draco for the Dark lord." I tell him but I lied, I truly loved the weasleys and how they raised their children, I most definitely love y/n and I don't want or see her get hurt, she is the daughter I never but wished i had, and sirius he was definitely my favorite cousin he stood up to his parents, he has the guts I wish I had, and Remus was so good for sirius as well and they had y/n. 

"I think that this is an amazing plan, you already have y/n wrapped around your finger, I think that deserves a reward." lucius says standing up. I didn't want to but if I refused I might get hurt. "Oh really, a reward?" I say, "Yes, a reward." lucius concludes.

Y/N'S POV....

"It's getting late we should head home as well, and thank you molly for letting us stay here last night because of the incident that happened." Remus says. "Oh it's no big deal really." Molly says. "Y/n do you have all your stuff for tomorrow?" Sirius asks you. "Yes of course." you say with a smile. "Okay we should head home." remus says stepping into the fire place.

You arrive at home. "Hey dad i'm gonna head to bed since I have to wake up early for tomorrow." you say walking up the stairs. "Alright honey goodnight." Sirius says, "Oh one more thing, how is you stomach? Does it feel better? If not here have some chocolate it will make it feel better." Remus asks you. "Yes dad it's perfect."

"I lied..." 

AN: Hey guys I know this chapter isn't as long as usual but I hope you enjoyed it. What do you think is wrong with y/n's stomach? I hope this chapter was good. Should I do another chapter??

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