I love you....

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"We need to stop Remus, he might hurt her." Molly says. 

"I know." Sirius thinks for a second. "Okay we will try and drive Ramus back into the fields or woods either will work and get y/n inside the house." Sirius says.

"WHat is she lashes out we don't know what shes like..." Tonks says putting a hand on sirius's shoulder.

"Well there is only one way to find out." Sirius says as he opens the door and slowly walk outside.

Back In the house....

"Alright all you kids get up stairs into your room's and lock the doors just to be safe okay." Molly says with a faint smile to assure the kids that everything is going to be okay.

"Okay." all the kids say as they walk into one bedroom and lock the door.

Back Outside.....

"Sirius be careful...." tonks says slowly walking behind him. 

"I know, I know," Sirius say putting his hand out slowly to show remus he means well.

"Okay tonks if remus tries to hurt me or you either I or you will grab out our wands and stupefy him okay..." 

"Uh yeah sure okay." tonks say with a gulp.

"Remus remember who you are, who you love...." Sirius says,

Remus looks confused and goes to throw sirius but Tonks quickly yells, "Stupefy!" and Remus gets thrown back and lets out a whimper and dashed into the woods.

"Thanks." sirius says with a sigh of relief.

"No problem." Tonks says with a sigh of relief as well.

Sirius turns to you who is acting shy and confused.

"Hey hey, y/n it's me your dad, do you remember me?" he says putting his hand out slowly and petting your head.

you slowly rub your face against his hand and start licking his hand to show that you remember him.

"She knows who we are?" Tonks asks.

"Yeah, yeah she does, like I said she is no normal wear wolf, she is just a wolf...." Sirius say with a smile.

"What's the difference?" Tonks asks.

"I will explain everything once were all back inside." Sirius says with a sigh of relief once again and standing up and leading you into the house.

You walk in between sirius and Tonks into the house and Molly and Arthur are waiting in the living room.

"Does she....remember?" Molly asks with a nervous tone. 

"Yes, She does." Sirius says sitting down.

"And Remus?" Arthur asks.

"He ran into the woods he will be back by morning." Tonks says.

"Okay.....Well how come y/n can remember but Remus can't when he turns." Molly asks.

"Because Remus is a werewolf and she is just a normal wolf." Sirius says rubbing your head.

"What is the difference Sirius?" Arthur asks. 

"Well not much, the only few things that are different is that when y/n turns she can turn back after three hours, she also will remember everything unlike Remus and, she doesn't only turn at full moons she can turn whenever she likes, which I should tell her how to turn back because she can and is probably confused right now." he says.

You nod your head to show you understand and everyone chuckles.

"Alright pup, all you need to do is think really hard that you want to turn to your normal self and as your doing that jump up slightly.

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