The Feast.

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AN: Hey guys you may notice in this chapter that I gave y/n a name. I did this because a lot of people (such as my friends that read this) to give her a name. And, so I did. Again so sorry for not posting another chapter for a long period of time school is just getting hectic because I am heading into high school soon so I promise to try better. Also I kind of want to start another story but I will still continue to post on this one I was just wondering what it should be about? It does not have to be about Harry Potter it can be anything you would read. Just let me know.

I wake up a little sad about what happened last night with my father but also excited about my first day so I can see everyone! (Mostly Ginny.) I wake up and get dressed into my robes and realize it's nearly dinner time and I have slept through most of the day. I quickly head to my father's office to say good morning- well good late afternoon-ish.

"Hello father." I say walking into his now decorated office. 

"Hello Knightly, How did you sleep? I mean it is nearly dinner but still, how did you sleep?" he asks handing me a cup of tea.

"Good and you?" I ask taking a sip of the tea.

"It was alright, and Knightly..... about last night-" He starts saying but I cut him off.

"Dad, really it's okay. I Understand you were just worried and I should have informed you that I was heading out on a walk." I say with a smile and putting down my now empty cup of tea.

"Alright well I have to finish up some last minute lesson plans before your classmates start to arrive which should be soon. Why don't you start heading down to the Great Hall or Entrance courtyard to welcome your friends. I know your most excited to see Ginny am I correct?" he asks with a small wink.

"Yes dad you are. I will start heading that way now." you say with a slight giggle and walking out the door closing it behind you.

You walk down to the Great Hall and see professor Snape and Professor Mcgonagall talking in a serious manner. 

"Oh Kightly dear we were just talking about you." Mcgonagall says walking up to you.

"Should I be worried? What did I do?" you ask with a nervous laugh.

"Oh nothing dear. We were wondering if we could introduce you to everyone and you could possibly explain at the feast why you are in all four houses." she asks you but you know she's lying to change the subject.

"Uhm, yes of course I'd be more than happy to." you say with a smile.

"Great well I must be off. The first years will be arriving soon and it's always that one student that will be absolutely crazy about being here." she says walking off.

"Bye." you say and then turning your head to the only other person in the room.

"I have to go. see you later Ms. Black" Snape says making a dramatic exit.

"Uhm okay." you say confused because he forgot about the Lupin part but shrug it off and head to the entrance doors to see a couple Hufflepuff's and other houses student's walking up. You spot Ginny and run up to her.

"Your here!!" you say jumping into her arms and she catches you.

"Hello love." she says planting a kiss on your lips.

"hello darling, how was life while I was gone." you ask now walking with her and a couple other's.

"Terrible she would non stop talk about you." Ron says walking past you two.

you both let out a laugh and someone hugs you from behind.

"Hermione!!" you say turning around and giving her a hug.

"Hi knightly- what's with the four colored tie?" she asks and Ginny is now wondering the same thing.

"I will explain that later but for now we should head inside so we aren't late!" you say excited.

you three walk in and sit down at the Gryffindor table you between Ginny and Hermione. Ginny grabs your hand under the table and you look at each other and smile.

Mcgonagall finishes getting the first years sorted, some to Hufflepuff and some to Ravenclaw Others to Gryffindor and few to Slytherin. 

"Now now we have the first years sorted I would like to make an announcement. First of all welcome back and welcome first years to yet another year at Hogwarts. Second, I would like to Welcome a New Student this year that is quiet special and you will soon see why. Please welcome Knightly Lupin Black." Dumbledore says.

You stand up from the table you are at and walk up to the podium with everyone's eyes on you.

"Thank you Professor Dumbledore. Yes you all are probably curious to why I am special. To be honest I wish I knew as well. You see i have been sorted but not into a specific house. If you look closely or noticed by now I do not have a solid yellow, blue red or green tie like you all. The reason for that is I was sorted into all four houses. You all are most likely now confused as was I and I still am a little confused, you are also probably confused to why I wasn't sorted in front of you all and to that I am unsure of and also do not have the answer for." you take a second to look at everyone who is mostly confused and other's with amazed looks on their face. You turn quickly to look at your father you gives you a nod to keep talking. "The sorting hat announced that I had a very unique personality including, loyalty, wisdom, I have ambition and cunning along with being very brave and dedication, patients and a lot of courage. You probably noticed that those are all the qualities of all four houses. Again, I wish I knew why I was sorted into all four and that is the only explanation I have for you." you conclude with a smile and turn to Dumbledore to signal that you are finished and so he nods and you head back to the table.

"Thank you Kightly, Now may the feast.... begin!" He announces as tons of food appears in front of everyone.

During the feast a couple of students walk up to you and tell you how cool you are and asking for a picture with you. After the feast you say goodnight to Remus and go looking for ginny but you can't find her. After about an hour of looking through the castle along with the Gryffindor common rooms and dorms you walk past a broom closet in a corridor. You hear rustling and decide to check it out because if your curious you don't hesitate to go looking through something.


AN: I know this chapter isn't the best I am sorry :( but who do you think is in the closet with Ginny or why is Ginny in the closet? 

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