38. The Queen's Discarded Dream

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Flurries of snow flew past them. Arius kept his wings tucked tightly against his back as they followed Sybella. She was leading them towards a more secluded area to enact Arius' plan. He only hoped it would work.

Esen shivered beside him. "I'm tired of winter already."

"It's only been winter for a few weeks," Gabriel replied through gritted teeth. "The cold will only get worse."

A few weeks. Arius knit his brows. Has it only been a few weeks? His birthday, his first night with Iyan, seemed so long ago. How can things have changed so drastically in a matter of weeks? He inhaled sharply, the cold air stinging his lungs.

Arius lifted his fingers to his owl pendant. He traced over the sculpted metal, drawing some comfort from the familiar pattern. "Right here," Sybella called. She planted her feet firmly in the snow.

"Are you sure this will work?" Royse asked.

Arius flashed the human a warning look. Royse lowered his gaze swiftly. Sybella spread her hands out, with her palms facing up. Her eyes rolled back as she began to chant. Arius swallowed and crossed his arms.

Voices emerged from the wind, chanting along with Sybella. "Sisters, hear me," the witch murmured.

"We hear you." There were three voices overlaying one another.

"I seek a Halfblooded Faerie. She is the daughter of Leila Vesper."

"We know her. We see her. She is alive."

"Will you take me to her?" The voices didn't answer. "I know I ask much, but we need your help to reach Solis. You know the King and Queen of Day will not surrender. Our hope lies with the King and Queen of Night."

Arius stiffened at the title. I'm not a king. Not yet. Not until this war is over and I prove I can be who my people need me to be.

"Come to the river. We will take you to the palace, but that is all we can do."

"Thank you." Sybella lowered her palms and the wind quieted once more. She drew in a few measured breaths, then squared her shoulders.

"Can we trust them?" Esen asked.

"What choice do we have? We have to get to the palace somehow. Those witches are our only way in without getting ourselves captured first," Arius replied.

"Witches have a code," Sybella added. "We are loyal to one another first and foremost. They will not betray me. If they do, they risk losing their magic and possibly their lives."

"Thank you, Sybella." Arius dipped his head towards her. "Let's find the Generals and get going."

"It's dangerous, bringing Killian, Lethe, and Sumner along," Gabriel said. "They're your top generals. Are you sure about this?"

"Will you all stop questioning me?" Arius spun on his heel, facing them. "I'm doubting myself enough as it is! You're not helping! I know I'm taking risks but we are running out of time. The Day Faeries and the Soleones are ripping us to shreds. If we don't stop this, we'll all be dead in a matter of days. Our options are limited. I'm doing the best I can."

"We're just trying to help." Esen took a step towards him.

"Well, you're not," Arius snapped. "I don't need you all to remind me of everything that could go wrong. I already know. Gather the Generals and let's move!" He spread his wings and took off before they could reply. Snow swirled in the air behind him.


Iyan tore another bit of fabric off her tunic and wrapped Asena's broken fingers. Vi held Asena's hand steady as she worked. The young girl's face was a sickly shade of green. She lowered her head, dark curls falling over her face.

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