13. Chocolate Breeds Boldness

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Iyan screamed and covered her face with her hands. She curled into a fetal position, but that didn't stop Derek from kicking her. His foot bashed against her arms, her legs, her stomach...

    Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to crawl away. He grabbed her foot and dragged her back. Derek flipped her over, a crazed look in his eye.

    "Worthless little human!" Iyan grabbed his wrists and tried to force him away. He pressed his hands towards her throat. She kept fighting against him. "Fraternizing with Faeries!"

    He jabbed his knee against her stomach. Iyan gagged and lost her grip. Derek wrapped his hands around her throat and began to squeeze. She clawed at his hands as the pressure cut of her airway. Iyan coughed and scratched and...

    She bolted awake, tossing aside the pillow that had fallen across her face. Iyan tumbled off the side of her bed and barely made it to the bathroom before vomiting. Salty tears dripped down her cheeks. She wiped them away and held a hand to her stomach.

    What had been a dull ache earlier that evening was now a sharp pain. Her lower back hurt and she remained nauseous. Iyan groaned, recognizing the symptoms. Thanks to her new and healthy routine, her cycle had returned. She rested her head against a cabinet until her nausea subsided a bit.

    Iyan stood and returned to her room. She wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and stoked the fire. She ducked out of the room shortly. Iyan began walking to Asena's room, then paused, hearing footsteps behind her.

    She half turned and spied Arius creeping back towards his own room. He stiffened, catching sight of her as well. Iyan tilted her head, noting the leathers he wore. "Were you out flying?"

    Arius' hand stilled on his doorknob and she padded over to him on bare feet. "Sometimes I can't sleep at night. Flying clears my mind."

    "You're not supposed to for another few days."

    He gave her a lazy grin. "I'm the prince. Ultimately, I decide what I can and can't do."

    "You could injure your wings again. You were acting like they were still sore today."

    "Technically yesterday, Love." He shook his wings out and she could feel the warmth that radiated from them. "I didn't go far," he added, when she continued to give him a disapproving stare. Arius chuckled. "Careful. You're starting to act like you actually care for my well being."

    Iyan rolled her eyes. "Please. I just don't want to listen to you complain any longer than I have to."

    "Hm. What are you doing up?"

    "Don't change the subject."

    "Ah, avoiding the question. I can only guess that meant you were coming to see me and now you don't want to admit it."

    If I roll my eyes again, they'll fall out of my head, Iyan thought to herself. "Actually, I was going to see Asena."

    "This late? Why?"

    Iyan grimaced, the pain in her lower abdomen spiking for a moment. "I'd rather not say."

    Arius eyed her curiously. "I wondered when this would happen."

    "I'm sorry?"

    "I've done my research on human anatomy. Female Faeries experience it too, although it's every three months for them. Gabriel let your sister take off from training last week, and I assumed that was why."

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