Wings of Fate

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Coming Friday, February 25...

Animosity between Humans and Faeriekind has long plagued the lands of Orphic, but began to fade in recent years. However, the newfound peace between species balances on a very thin thread which may soon break. With the emergence of a group known as Ironblades, Faeriekind is once again in danger. These Humans will stop at nothing to see all Faeries, and anyone born of Faerie blood, burnt to ash.

Kalian Deirdre may be his people's last hope. It is up to him to infiltrate an Ironblade unit and uncover the true nature of their plot against Faeries before it's too late, but that will prove difficult. Moira Lev is an Ironblade Commander and well known for her hatred towards Faeries. Getting close to her won't be an easy task, and remaining undiscovered will be even harder. Regardless of the risks, Kalian is determined to succeed. He has to, or it will mean the extinction of his species as a whole.

 He has to, or it will mean the extinction of his species as a whole

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