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"The summit is in four months, Arius."

"I know, Father." Arius shifted his large black wings into a more comfortable position. "What do you want me to do? I can't control the Day Faeries."

Torin sighed and swiped some white hair out of his face. "I don't know."

"You're certain they're planning something?"

"Our spies are well trained. They would not betray me or mislead me. I believe their information is true. Every day, more and more humans disappear from beyond the Vetiti. No one knows where they have gone."

Arius raised a brow. "You believe the Day Faeries are behind it?"

Torin was chewing on his nails now. It was the most unkingly Arius had seen his father act in a long time. "I don't know what to believe anymore."

Arius tilted his head, thinking. "Maybe there's a human who knows what's happening. If you'll allow it, I'll go to the Vetiti myself and find a human. I'll find out what they know."

"It's too dangerous. Humans know our weaknesses, remember?"

"Father, if you want to find out what's going on, we have to start somewhere. You and I both know that we'll learn nothing from the Day Faeries. We'll have better luck finding a human who will talk to us."

Torin sighed and stroked his bearded chin. At last, he nodded. "Go swiftly and be safe, my son. I'll give you a week."

Arius gave him a firm nod and stood. "Make sure Esen and Gabriel don't follow me."

"That will be easier said than done," he chuckled.

Arius smirked and headed towards the nearest balcony. He snapped his wings open, relishing the cool autumn breeze against their membranous folds. Silver swirled through the veins in his wings, the color of his magic. Arius took a running leap and dove off the balcony. With a single powerful thrust, he was soaring towards the Vetiti Forest, and the humans who lived beyond it.

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