32. Uncertain Resolve

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They returned to Noctis early the next morning. Several reports were waiting on Arius' desk when they reached the manor. Iyan hovered close by as he read them over. He sighed, rubbing his forehead with a hand.

"What is it?" Iyan asked.

"The Day Faeries are on the move. The scouts haven't been able to get a headcount on their numbers. Soleones are with them." Arius scrubbed at his face. "This isn't good."

"We'll figure something out."

He kissed her forehead and breezed out of the office, hollering for Gabriel. His cousin was quick to answer. "We need to gather the Generals and go over our plan. The Day Faeries are moving," Arius explained.

"Let's not waste any time then." Gabriel vanished with a flash of blue light. Arius gave Iyan a small smile and disappeared as well.

"I hope they at least remember to fill the rest of us in later," she grumbled. She headed up to her room.

Iyan grabbed a few boxes and set to work. They had decided to share Arius' room now, which meant she needed to move her things. The door creaked open, revealing Asena. Her sister entered the room and began packing up a few things as well.

"Esen is checking on the preparations in Noctis," Asena said. "All of the villages closest to the river and the Vetiti are being evacuated. Arius ordered them all to come here, so Esen is making sure there are supplies and shelter ready for everyone."

"Does she need help?"

Asena shook her head. "I believe Aurelia and Odile are helping." She laughed after a moment. "Gabriel told me what you said when he asked for your blessing."

"Did he propose?"

"Not yet, but he wanted me to know that he plans to."

"Ah, I see."

"Anyway," Asena continued, "I found it ironic that you pointed out how little time we've been together and yet, you and Arius went from being friends to being married in a matter of days."

Iyan blushed and tucked some hair behind her ear. "We weren't exactly friends."

"All right, fair, but you weren't an official couple either."

"Well..." Iyan sat back on her heels and pursed her lips. "I can't explain it. The stars seem to enjoy proving me wrong."

"You and me both. As long as you're happy and cared for, I'm happy with whatever decisions you make." Asena squeezed her shoulder. "I know he'll take care of you after I'm gone."

Iyan bit her lip, then threw her arms around Asena. "Let's not think about that yet. I haven't really gotten used to that idea."

"Agreed." They continued packing until most of Iyan's things were ready to be moved. Asena stacked a few boxes and handed them to Iyan. They carried them over to Arius' room. They made several trips before all of the boxes were moved.

"I'll handle the unpacking and sorting," Iyan said. "Arius mentioned a few things he's particular about."

"Were Sven and Derek really helping Emeric and Ezlyn?"

Iyan paused, glancing at Asena. Her gaze was vacant, almost haunted. Asena blinked and the expression faded. "Yes, they were. They've been healed completely."

Asena shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself. "Do you think they'll be on the battlefield?"

"I don't know. If they're able to control some of the Soleones, most likely."

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