5. The Wolf Hunts

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    "I don't know where Iyan is!" Asena shouted once more. Derek and Sven had cornered her nearly half an hour ago, demanding to know where her little sister had gone. Asena hadn't even realized she wasn't there. "I'm telling you...she was here last night when I went to bed. I thought she had just gotten an early start on her work this morning."

    "Clearly, you're mistaken," Derek growled. "She's nowhere around here and I've had people searching town for her. Your sister is gone."

    "Well what do you want me to do about it?" Asena crossed her arms and glared at the two men. "She's an adult. She can come and go as she pleases. She'll be back."

    "Now, we both know you're wrong. You and your sister have several years worth of debts to pay off here. You can't just come and go as you please and neither can she."

    Sven rubbed his chin, watching her. She didn't like the look in his eye. "I'm finding this very odd. Your sister has been gone nearly an entire day and you didn't realize it? She might've even left last night. Why would she run so soon after Lucille was taken? Does she know something? Is your sister helping the Faeries kidnap humans?"

    "What? My sister would never!"

    "I find that hard to believe. She disappeared at a very convenient time, before we ever got to question her. You stopped us from questioning her too. Besides that, everyone knows your mother was a wit..."

    Asena slapped her hand across Sven's cheek. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. No one in my family has ever or will ever sympathize with Faeries, much less help them kidnap humans. Lucille was Iyan's friend. What happened to her was not my sister's fault and I'm telling you, I don't know where she is."

    Sven rubbed his cheek, anger sparking within his eyes. Asena returned his glare. Derek released a small sigh. "Well, then we can only assume that Iyan ran away because she was afraid. Unfortunately for you, she owes me quite a bit of money for her food and rent. With her gone, I'm afraid you'll have to cover her expenses."

    "I barely have enough money to cover my own expenses," Asena protested.

    "Then you'll have to pay in another way." Derek jerked a head towards her. Sven grabbed her arms roughly and began dragging her towards a door. Asena screamed and fought against his grasp. Derek shoved a cloth in her mouth, silencing her.

    They stepped outside and lifted her onto a horse. Derek quickly bound her hands. Sven took the reins and Derek jumped up behind her, squishing her in between them. Asena squeezed her eyes shut as the horse took off. I've got to get out of this somehow, she thought. If I jump off...

    She would be trampled. She'd have to wait until they stopped, then make a run for it. Asena opened her eyes and stiffened. They were riding towards the edge of town. They're taking me to the Vetiti, she realized.

    They rode on, eventually reaching the forest's edge. Even in the waning daylight, the forest was dark and gloomy. The trees were bare, but for some reason, shadows still hung over the ground. Sven pulled the horse to a halt when they reached a clearing. Asena eyed her surroundings, hoping to spot a weapon of some sort.

    Her gaze landed on a familiar belt and her heartbeat quickened. Iyan's daggers. What are they doing out here? Derek jumped off the horse and pulled her off. Sven began to lead the horse away.

    Thinking quickly, Asena clutched her bound hands into a fist and smashed them against Derek's head. He gave a shout and hit the ground. Asena dove towards Iyan's daggers. She grabbed one and sliced through the rope on her hands. She kept a tight grip on the dagger as she yanked the cloth from her mouth.

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