30. You Own My Heart

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    Iyan hesitated outside of the office doors. Arius crossed his arms, wearing a concerned expression. "You don't have to do this now," he said.

    "Yes, I do. Just give me a moment." She worked her hands together nervously. Arius stepped closer and took her hands in his own. He brushed his thumb across her knuckles, then lifted them to his lips. "I want them to hear it from me," Iyan whispered. "Lucille was my friend. Now I know what happened to her."

    "I know."

    Iyan hesitated a second longer, then pushed the door open. Arius still held her hand and entered beside her. Torin's officials rose. Iyan's gaze flickered to Esen, Gabriel, and Asena. They all gave her encouraging smiles.

    Arius ushered her over to two seats. The rest of the group sat when they did. It took Iyan a moment to figure out how to situate her wings over the back of the chair. Thankfully, no one said anything. The generals and ambassadors all looked away.

     "I don't know exactly what the Day Faeries are planning," Iyan began, "but I did learn a few things. They're not stealing humans on their own. They've had help from Sven Abel and Derek Avery."

     Arius' hand tightened around hers. She could feel his anger over their new bond. Iyan pushed it aside and carried on. "The Day Faeries healed them in exchange for their help. Sven and Derek have helped them kidnap humans and told the Day Faeries everything they knew about us." She gestured to herself, Arius, and Asena.

    "The humans are being turned into creatures, just like the one I was turned into. Ezlyn called them Soleones. She said that Soleones can be difficult to control. They are more eager to hunt someone who has done them harm. A Soleone was ordered to murder Queen Rhosyn, as you might've heard already." It was her turn to squeeze Arius' hand.

    "I believe Emeric and Ezlyn intended to wipe out your royal family and take over the Night Faeries. When their original plan didn't work, they formed this one. By now, they probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of Soleones at their disposal."

    "What can you tell us about the Soleones?" General Lilith asked.

    "They are huge golden cats with fangs and iron covered talons. The iron isn't a part of them. They're coverings of some sort. Apparently, the only part of the Soleone that remains human is their eyes. I saw my friend, Lucille, and recognized her by her eyes." Iyan glanced at Asena. Her sister's expression was unreadable. Gabriel had a hand on her back.

    "Given what you've told us," General Killian said, "it seems that the Day Faeries may try to take over the human lands as well."

    "With the Soleones helping them, their forces will greatly outnumber our own," Esen pointed out.

    Killian fixed his gaze on Iyan. "Is there any way the humans may agree to help us?"

    "I don't know. The witches might," she replied.

    "I want scouts to monitor the Day Faerie lands. Let them cross the river, if they must. We have to know the instant Emeric and Ezlyn make a move. As soon as our warriors are ready, position them all the way from the coast to the Vetiti," Arius ordered. The generals and ambassadors nodded. "We'll make a more detailed plan later."

    Everyone rose and Arius led Iyan out of the office. They returned to her room, with the Twins and Esen close behind. Arius laid another lock and sound barrier over the room once they were all inside.

    "Why would Emeric and Ezlyn do this?" Esen asked. She pulled a lock of hair over her shoulder and fiddled with the ends of it. "And how could their people agree to it?"

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