39. Obsidian and Iron

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Arius flew through the air on silent wings. Gabriel, Esen, and the Generals were at his side. Gabriel was carrying Royse and Esen held Sybella tightly. Beneath them, three witches rode on horseback. Their lips moved in silent chants, hiding the Night Faerie group from searching eyes.

Arius could see the palace towers in the distance. Solis wasn't far now. He narrowed his eyes. Emeric and Ezlyn would pay for what they had done. If he happened to see Derek Avery or Sven Abel...he would kill Derek and leave Sven to Gabriel.

The witches below slowed their pace as they reached the city limits. They turned down an alleyway and came to a halt. Arius landed beside them. "You will enter the palace through a tunnel," they said as one. "Be warned. Once you are inside, you won't be able to teleport out, just as you cannot teleport in."

"We know," Arius replied. He heard a few thumps and guessed that the others had landed as well. One witch pointed to a metal hatch in the ground. Arius pried it open. Sumner lit a ball of magic and jumped down the hole. Royse, Sybella, and the other Generals followed him down. Gabriel and Esen inched closer to Arius. "Are Iyan and Asena all right?"

"And the little girl?" Esen added.

"We have seen them. We healed the older sister. The younger is doing well. The small child is scared, but all right. We didn't see them long. We were forced to leave when two men approached."

"What men?" Gabriel growled.

"Lusting men."

Arius wrapped his hand around the hilt of his sword. If either of them laid a hand on her, on any of them...his wings bristled behind him.

Gabriel and Esen leaped down the hole without hesitation. The witches looked at Arius expectantly. "Is there a way to stop the Soleones?" He asked.

"The Queen is the one who created them. Her magic, or that of her equal, can unmake them." Their eyes flashed dangerously. "Halfblood Faeries are conduits, King. They can change magic."

"I'm no king yet."

"You are." They walked away before he could protest. The witches remounted their horses. Arius jumped down the dark shaft and pulled the cover back into place.

Gabriel and Esen were a short distance ahead. Blue flames licked at Esen's fingertips, illuminating the tunnel. Arius took the lead and they soon caught up to the others.

"Do you have a plan once we reach the palace?" Killian asked.

"Royse, Sybella, and Gabriel, you three are in charge of finding Iyan, Asena, and Vi. The rest of us are going to confront Emeric and Ezlyn. We need to try to break through Emeric's shields and force them to surrender. We'll contain the fight to the throne room. I'll put up shields around the room so that no Day Faeries can get in," Arius explained.

They all nodded their agreement. Thankfully, no one voiced any concerns. Light flickered from the ceiling up ahead. They sped up and drew their weapons.


Iyan landed a blow to the Day Faerie's temple, rendering him unconscious. Asena and Vi took out the second guard. Iyan slipped into the armory and grabbed her sword and daggers. She found Asena's sword close by and tossed it to her. Asena hooked the belt around her waist and drew her sword.

Iyan strapped her dagger belt around Vi's waist. Vi drew one of the daggers and eyed it curiously. "You are only to use those if someone comes after you," Iyan said firmly. "Let Asena and I handle everyone else." Vi nodded.

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