40. The Sovereign's Sacrifce

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"Lucille, no!" Iyan cried. The Soleone didn't seem to hear her. Lucille's talons raked through Asena again and again. Gabriel was screaming now. He lunged at Lucille, hands aglow with magic. "Don't hurt her!" Iyan pleaded.

Esen joined her brother. Blue magic slashed across Lucille's side. With a roar, she rolled off Asena. Esen leaped into her line of sight, hollering something. Killian and Sumner rushed to her side.

Gabriel bent over Asena, his panic evident. Emeric watched with cruel delight. Iyan sprinted towards her sister, ignoring the King. She crashed to her knees at Asena's side. Blood gushed from the wound. Iyan couldn't tell where one injury ended and another began. Asena was gasping for breath.

"Sybella!" Gabriel shouted. The witch was beside him instantly. "Bind us. Now." Asena's eyes flickered to his, relief gleaming within their brown depths. Her breath shuddered and her eyes rolled back. "Hurry!"

"Do you remember how I explained it to Arius?" Sybella asked. Gabriel nodded and squeezed Asena's hand tightly. Iyan gripped the other one. "Then begin."

Gabriel closed his eyes. Blue surrounded his palm. Sybella placed a hand on him and one on Asena. Iyan gulped, tears running down her cheeks. Sybella began to chant and light spread from her to them.

Iyan's eyes widened as the wounds on Asena's body began to disappear. Her breathing evened out and color returned to her face. With a flash of light, wings sprouted from her back. They mirrored Iyan's, lacking the usual colorful swirls but shimmering with a silver overlay.

The glow faded and Gabriel slumped over Asena. Neither of them woke. Sybella stumbled back. "They'll be all right. They won't wake up for a few hours, though."

"Fascinating," Emeric murmured. "So that's how humans can become Faeries." He grunted. Iyan guessed Arius had hit him.

Iyan stood and sought out Lucille. The Soleone was backed against a wall, snarling and clawing at anyone who came too close. Magic was holding her back.

"Order your Faeries to surrender." She turned at the sound of Arius' voice. His sword was pressed against Emeric's throat.

"Never," the Day Faerie spat. "I'll enjoy watching your people die. Their numbers dwindle already."

A hand fell on her arm. Iyan glanced at Sybella. Her golden silver eyes were sorrowful. "The Soleones must be stopped."

"Only Ezlyn's equal can undo the spell," Iyan murmured. "But we're not officially the king and queen."

"That doesn't matter. Arius is the heir and you are his wife. With Torin and Rhosyn gone, the people recognize you as sovereign."

"I don't have magic."

A loud thump interrupted them. The sound came again. Iyan and Arius exchanged glances. "They're trying to break through my shield," Arius realized.

"Soleones or Day Faeries?" General Lilith asked.

"Does it matter?" General Killian was panting for breath. He, Sumner, and Esen were still struggling to hold Lucille back.

I have to stop this, Iyan thought. She closed her eyes, running over Ezlyn's words. You can do it. You can change the magic. She swallowed hard. I used Emeric's magic to break his shields. I turned Day Faerie magic into Night Faerie magic. Her equal can undo the spell. I can change the magic. I...

Iyan opened her eyes and ran to Arius. He caught her by the shoulders, looking her over worriedly. "What is it?"

"Have someone else guard Emeric." He nodded and waved a hand. Lilith took his place. Iyan motioned for Sybella to join them as they retreated from the others. "I think...I think I know how to stop the Soleones. If they're turned back into humans, Emeric will lose the advantage."

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