15. A Prosperous Occupation

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Iyan knocked on Torin's office door. She heard a faint admittance and pushed the door open. Torin straightened and waved her in. "Can I help you with something?"

Iyan clasped her hands together to keep from fidgeting. "Do you know of any jobs that are available?"

"Jobs?" Torin scratched his head.

"Yes. You see, Asena and I have been staying here a while now and if possible, we'd like to help pay for our own things. Asena decided to take a governess job for a family in Noctis, but I'm not really sure if there's something for me," Iyan explained.

Torin smiled and opened a drawer in his desk. "I'm glad you brought this up." He set a box down and opened it. Inside sat a small brooch, in the shape of an owl. "I've been searching for someone to be an ambassador to the people. With Arius off searching for the missing humans, there's been no one to take care of that task. Esen and Gabriel have work of their own and most of my advisors don't live in Noctis."

"What does an ambassador do?"

"In this case, the ambassador would be a messenger. If I need to meet with someone, they would inform them. They would be in charge of telling me when I'm needed for a ceremony, checking in on business owners, attending small functions, and so on."

Iyan bit her lip. "I'm not very good with crowds of people. If there was someone to help me, at least at first, I think I could manage."

"Normally, Arius handles all of these affairs. He can help you on the days he is here." Torin thought for a moment. "Would you like to give it a test run? There's an art studio opening on the east side of town today and I was asked to attend. You could come with me and if you think you can handle it, you can have the job." He gave her a small wink. "Arius will be your assistant."

Iyan giggled at that. "I think that would be manageable."

"We'll need to leave soon so you should go get ready." He removed the brooch from the box and handed it to her. Iyan traced her finger over the owl's head, recalling the painting on Arius' ceiling, as well as his weapons. "Owls are our royal seal," Torin said, watching her. "My wife, Rhosyn, chose it after my father died."

"She made a wise choice." Iyan smiled softly and closed her hand around the brooch. She left the office and made her way to her room. I suppose that explains why Arius loves owls so much. Maybe it's homage to his mother, or just a trait he inherited from her. I should ask him when he gets back.

She reached her room and opened up the wardrobe. "Stars, what do you even wear to something like this?" Iyan combed her fingers through her hair absentmindedly. "He said it was the opening of an art studio, so something casual, but professional."

Her gaze landed on a flowy dress. She pulled it out of the wardrobe and changed. The dress was a soft shade of blue and made up of several thin, ruffled layers. She grabbed a sweater to match and slipped on a pair of shoes. Iyan pinned the King's brooch onto her sweater and took a moment to look herself over. She pinned up a few locks of her hair, before returning to the foyer.


They rode through the streets of Noctis on horseback. Iyan's mount was a beautiful dappled mare. She was an older horse, but managed to keep up with the King's mount easily. These horses were larger than ordinary horses.

"I didn't realize Faeries owned horses," Iyan said.

"We don't own them. These horses roam our lands just as we do. When we need them, we just have to summon them. Otherwise, they come and go as they please."

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