12. Long Awaited Explanation

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    Iyan spun away from Gabriel and raised her stick just in time to parry his blow. Sweat dripped down her back, despite the coolness of the afternoon. Arius watched from the sidelines, surprisingly quiet for once.

    Every now and then, he would stretch his wings with a grimace. He was under strict orders not to fly or move his wings very much. Sybella would've kept him locked in her work room for a few days more if he hadn't agreed.

    Iyan was still waiting for Arius to tell her what exactly was going on with the Day Faeries. She knew he hadn't forgotten and she was trying not to be impatient. Over the past two days, they'd begun to treat each other with a certain level of respect. Iyan was doing her best not to damage their new relationship.

    She dropped to the ground and rolled as Gabriel jumped at her again. Iyan popped up and stabbed her stick into his side. He yelped and raised his hands. Arius laughed a bit. "Either you're losing your touch or Iyan has a natural talent," he called.

    "Let's go with Iyan's natural talent." Gabriel hooked his stick around his neck and slung his arms over the ends of it. He let his wings spread, not entirely, but enough to cool them down. He was sweating as well and Iyan couldn't help but grin with pride.

    "Oh, I don't know." All three of them turned as Asena and Esen approached. "Asena has bested you a time or two as well," Esen laughed.

    "I let her." Gabriel flashed Asena a smirk. Iyan didn't miss her sister's blush.

    "You are doing well, though." Esen turned to Iyan. "I'm sure Arius will let you use a sword soon."

    "As soon as I know she won't accidentally slice off my hand," Arius scoffed.

    "I wouldn't do it accidentally," Iyan shot back.

    "That didn't help your plight." Arius shifted his gaze to Esen. "Is there a reason you two came out here or are you simply trying to disrupt our lesson?"

    "Another scout returned. Six, this time."

    Arius cursed under his breath and leaned back against a fence rail. "From where?"

    "All the way from Glensbrook."

    "Glensbrook is a four days journey south from Sparrowhaven," Iyan cut in. "How could Faeries have accomplished that without being seen?"

    Arius rubbed his fingers together, thinking. "Come on. I suppose Father and I should explain a few things." Esen and Gabriel exchanged wary glances. Gabriel took Iyan's training stick and returned it to the shed. They all made their way back to the manor.


    Arius led them through the main hall, instead of going to Torin's office. Iyan let her eyes roam over the house. She hadn't really allowed herself to explore it yet. I should ask Esen to show me around sometime, she thought.

    Paintings lined the top portion of the walls. Her eyes widened, taking in the delicate brushstrokes that formed such detailed pictures. She painted on occasion, but her art would never compare to this. Iyan pulled her attention back as they reached a comfy library.

    The room was very spacious, despite the numerous bookshelves and furnishings that filled it. A massive bay window decorated one corner of the room. Sunlight poured in through the windows. A fire crackled in one small fireplace.

    King Torin was lounging on a chair with his feet kicked up on the arms. He set his book down and straightened, spying them. "Esen told you, then?"

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