9. Trust Exercises

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    "I have to admit, I'm rather disappointed that you haven't tried to capture me yet." Arius poked her foot with a stick, spreading her stance wider.

    Iyan continued to run through the forms he'd shown her a few days earlier. "I haven't exactly had time to lay out any traps, have I?"

    Arius smirked. "I suppose not." He stopped her once more and lifted her arm up higher. "Hold it straight for a few minutes."

    Iyan pointed her stick out straight, attempting to ignore the ache in her arms. She was grateful to be actively learning something, rather than  simply running laps or exercising. After several days of complaints, Arius finally gave in and agreed to step up her training. He still wouldn't let her touch a real weapon, despite even more protests.

    "Switch hands," he instructed.

    Iyan obeyed. "When do I get to kick your ass?"

    "It'll be several years before you're that good."

    "Maybe you overestimate yourself."

    Arius shot a jeering look towards her. "That's doubtful. I am well aware of my capabilities and yours don't even compare."

    "Well, they must amount to something. I did capture you and from the sound of it, it's been a long time since anyone managed to do that."

    She stepped into the next form. Arius circled around her, adjusting her stance as needed. He stretched his wings for a moment. "It's been almost 75 years since a Faerie was trapped by a human. It was my first time being trapped."

    "What were you doing in the Vetiti anyway?" Iyan asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. It felt strange to be talking civilly with him, rather than swapping quips and insults.

    "Looking for you." He met her gaze briefly. Iyan switched her form again.

    Something is waiting for you. Don't run from it. Sybella's words echoed in her mind.

    "I knew humans were going missing and I wanted to find out what exactly was going on. Normally, I would never go that close to a human civilization, but I had to. I saw you in the street the night your friend was taken." Arius cocked his head. "Did you see me? It seemed like you did."

    "I knew something was watching me, but no, I didn't see you." Iyan fell out of her stance and balanced her weight against her stick. "If you were there, why didn't you do anything? Did you see the Faerie who took Lucille?"

    Arius rubbed his neck and his wings hunched closer to his back. "I only saw you."

    Iyan narrowed her eyes. She didn't press him any further though, unwilling to start an argument. "I told your father that gold magic stopped me from following Lucille. What does that mean?"

    Arius ignored her question. He motioned for her to continue her exercises. Iyan pursed her lips and began running through the forms. As she worked, Arius drifted off to the side. He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes wearily.

    Before Iyan could question him, another Faerie landed beside them. "Prince Arius, more reports have come in," the messenger panted. "Eight this time."

    Arius' shoulders tensed. "Have you told my father?" The messenger shook his head. "I'll handle it. Thank you." The messenger bowed before taking to the skies once more. Arius held out a hand and Iyan gave him her stick.

    "What's going on?" She asked.

    "Nothing to concern yourself with. Take the rest of the day off." Arius stashed their sticks in a shed and started towards the manor.

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