Chapter 39: Pick Up The Pieces

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Location: Mira HQ


When Green looked at Lapis' expression, he knew something was about to go down.

It had been a while since Violet and Onyx's deaths - a couple days - but that didn't mean Lapis was any less suspicious of everyone.

In fact, he kept staring at everyone whenever they did anything even remotely suspicious, which was a habit that ironically prevented Green and Blue from killing anyone else.

When Lapis walked into Laboratory, glowering at Scarlet and Cadmium, Green rolled his eyes.

This is getting annoying. A couple times, they had been the target of scrutiny, but since it had become just another routine to everyone else, it was quickly brushed off.

Internally, he sighed, part of him wanting to just finish the assignment and go back to SSOUI already so they could find out what the f**k Maelstrom had in store for them.

Besides, they had only a few more days before they went back to the space center, so the assignment deadline was swiftly approaching - and they had only gotten three crewmates killed.

At this point, Green was considering just doing a last-ditch effort blitz killing spree, since he'd probably be dead by the end of the week anyway... but he had Blue to protect, and that would put both of them in danger.

Blue was sorting artifacts, minding her own business, and Green was leaning against the counter next to her, watching Lapis talk to Cadmium and Scarlet.

"Why are you standing so close to the vent?" Lapis asked suspiciously.

Cadmium was shaking, and she retreated behind Scarlet with wide, scared eyes.

"I- I was assembling the crystal... I was repairing it, and the box was close to the vent," she practically whispered.

Scarlet glared at Lapis. "Leave her alone - she would never kill anyone."

Upon seeing Lapis' face, Green wished he had popcorn for the show.

Part of his job was to spread discord and create chaos, after all.

"Well, either you're working with her, or you're sorely mistaken," Lapis growled.

Green fought the urge to smile or laugh at this absurd logic.

He had a love-hate relationship with the new, "improved" Lapis - yes, Lapis' mistrust of everyone was worrying for the sake of their mission, but it also proved to be quite funny at times.

However, he didn't think Blue held the same appreciation for Lapis' attitude - but was that his problem? No.

Scarlet and Lapis glared at each other, and to spice things up, Green decided to interject.

"Wait, Lapis - since you're blaming everyone, wouldn't that make you the killer?" Green said, using Lapis logic to form his argument.

Lapis turned his glare onto Green. "You stay out of this."

"All three of you are within ten feet of the vent, so wouldn't that make you all killers??" Green said, fake gasping.

Next to him, Blue facepalmed. Well, that's fair.

But you know I'm right.

Lapis' death glare reminded Green of the time when Maelstrom gave him a similar death glare some years ago for "accidentally" whacking Whirlpool in the face with a mop.

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