Author's Notes - Part I

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Sorry if this is weird, but I personally like to do Author's Notes at the end of a story (or, part of a story, in this case), to show my thought process, how things came to be, and also just general interesting facts about the characters.

And, near the end, I'll have details about Part II and when that'll come out.


Fun/interesting facts

The main ideas of the story came to me when I was binge watching DisguisedToast's Among Us videos, and I thought, "what if someone knew who the imposter was from the start?"

And, "what if that person took no s**t from the imposter?"

Then, that ended up combining with the plot idea (which I randomly got in the middle of reading a really good Among Us fanfiction), morphing together to create this.

And then, as soon as I thought of the title Partners In Crime, there was no denying that I was going to write this. I was really busy at the time of getting the ideas (and I had told myself that I don't write fanfiction), so I was against it for a while, but I eventually gave in to my inspirational urges.

And I don't regret that decision at all.

Also, I dare say that this story is one of a kind - all the other Among Us fanfictions I've read have a more serious take on the murder and all.

(... And they should, because actual murder is not to be taken lightly.)

But, meanwhile, I'm over here, writing... whatever this is. Between Green's personality and Blue taking absolutely no s**t from him, I consider it a little more comedic (although it is serious too).

Also, I've noticed that I tend to write a lot more internal dialogue and thought processes than other writers. I honestly don't know why I do that.

There were multiple ideas for the ending, but I eventually settled on this one.

One of the discarded ending ideas was actually really good - I might write it for the sake of making it an interesting deleted scene for y'all to read - but then the great idea for Part II came, so I had to put it in the trash.

(... Do you guys want to read that alternate, deleted ending? I'd certainly like to write it, and I could post it as an extra, in the window of time before Part II comes.)

Blue is loosely based on one of my older sisters, as far as not taking s**t from other people.

Originally, I was going to have a love interest be the leverage for Blue, but I thought it would be more interesting for her character arc for her to have a little brother instead.

Also, the love interest option sounded a bit cliche in my head, if I'm being honest.

(And that option also didn't go well with Blue's personality. With that much social ineptitude, she would not be emotionally capable of a love interest, especially right off the bat. Much better for her to be a protective older sister instead.)

Blue and black are my two favorite colors, which is the main reason why they are both major characters.

Black wasn't intended to be mute until I was actually writing her first appearance. I simply thought it would make things more interesting, and make Black's character more likeable.

When I was beginning the writing process, I fully intended to kill off Black, but ended up deciding not to, because she was becoming a good character, and I couldn't get enough of her dynamic with Blue.

The chapter titles are kind of interesting - the lighter chapters have more fun titles and are usually taken from some dialogue or thought.

However, the darker chapters - usually the ones with death - tend to have more intriguing and dramatic titles.

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