a/n: a question for you all

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Hey my lovely children!! I was wondering if I make another book if you would be interested in reading it? I would still be continuing this book! But what I would do is write all of the other book before I upload it. So when it goes up it'll be completed. Here's the description I have written right now.

Title: Louis O'gilt or Llewellyn Duck- lost Louie AU

Description: After a long and gruesome fight with FOWL the Mcduck clan thought they had won, but little did they know of FOWL's real plan. The little, unhatched, egg wrapped up in a green blanket lay in the back of a FOWL helicopter on it's way to a base in South America. Unfortunately for FOWL they ran into some problems when a team of SHUSH agents tried to stop them. After yet another fight the small egg was lost on the side of the street in the middle of a small town in Brazil. From there the one and only Goldie O'gilt finds the poor lost egg, and after being unsuccessful in finding it's parents, decides to raise it herself. How would all of their lifes change if one sibling was separated?

So there it is! What do you guys think? Leave a vote/star if you would read it! Also it'll probably not have more than 20 chapters but they'd be long! Also should I make Louie/Louis transgender (female to male) for that story?

Anyway thanks for the feedback and for reading! -Ryan❤

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