Drunk, Sad Kara.

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Lena's pov

I was home getting? Some homework done when Kara rang me. I picked it up and smiled.

L: hey Hun
K: h-hey le-na
L: Kara is everything okay?
K: ha n-o I- ha
L: Kara what happened?
K: I lost Le-na
L: you're not making any sense where is Alex put her on the phone.
K: okay...
A: hey Lena I'm sorry about this
L: it's ok Alex just tell me what happened.
A: she heard someone cry for help so she went out and tried to help the person but... the man who called out was Monel... and he was dead when she got there. The person must of know he was an alien... it was a hate crime Lena. Because he had a lead knife.
L: is Kara okay?
A: no, she's really depressed and she found my alcohol... Kelly is trying to help me calm her down but she just keeps getting worse.
L: I'm coming over now I'll see you in a bit
A: okay bye

Once at the Danvers' loft I came straight in to find Kelly holding Kara whilst she cried into the older girl's arms. "Hey Lena. " Alex smiled at me as I walked in nodding at her and towards my girlfriend. Kelly let go of Kara and I held her close to me. "Hey Kara its okay, there was nothing you could of done. " Kara just cried into my chest as I played with her hair knowing how much it calmed her down.

"We'll give you space. " Kelly said as she stood up and brought Alex into the other room. "Hey, Kara look at me" I said as I raised her chin so she was looking at me. Her hair was in a messy bun her glasses were off and in her pocket and her shirt was almost completely open revealing her hero costume with the hope symbol. "I could of save him if I got there faster." Kara said sounding completely sober. I shook my head and kissed her's "somethings we just can't fix, some people we just can't save. "

I pulled her hair band out and brought her hand up to my lips. "He's in a better place now Kara, now where he won't go to jail for being an alien. " Kara nodded and I stood up holding her hand. "Come on hun lets get some sleep. " Kara stood up as well but asked "but its a school night? Won't your mum be mad? " I shook my head and kissed my girlfriend before answering "she'll live. "

We both walked towards Kara's room and I started to get undressed but I could feel Kara staring at my bara back. "Kara get changed. " I blushed. Kara laughed and as I put one of her old shirts on that I sleep in she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Kara you need to get dressed. " I said blushing but as I turned around I noticed she was blushing too. "Help me? " she asked quietly.

I nodded my head and took her shirt off over her head and then her trousers I then took off her suit which was one piece and looked away when she took off her underwear. I then took off my own trousers and got into the bed. She followed in after and cuddled into me. "I love you" Kara smiled into my neck. "I love you too. "

The next day.

At school Kara stayed close to me, still fragile from last night. I told her not to come in but she insisted. I held her hand even when she was getting food. Luckily we had all of our classes together so she didn't have to let go and even as ate she held my hand "I heard he was an alien" I heard one girl say to her friends who walked by us. Kara sighed and stopped eating. "Kara please eat. You need your strength. " I pleaded trying to hold Kara close but our conversation was interrupted when we heard a girl screaming.

We both ran into the bathroom to see the new girl on the floor and three bullies stood over her "that's what you get Dyke. " before I could say anything Kara pushed the girls out of the way to help up the new girl. "Oh look more dykes to the rescue. " I gave her a look as to say piss off so she did and Kara sat with the girl.

"Are you okay? " Kara asked holding the girl up. "Yeah, I'm used to it" the girl laughed but we could feel her pain. "Hey we get it I am a lesbian and my girlfriend Kara is Pan, I'm Lena by the way. " the girl smiled and rested her head on the wall. "Well I'm Nia and I'm transgender. I transtioned young so I've always lived as a girl but... I guess those girls saw my records because they know... " I hugged the small girl and Kara and I helped her to her feet. "Hey wanna come hang out with us for the rest of lunch? " Kara asked smiling Nia nodded her head smiling back before the three of us headed to our table.

"Hey look the dykes have a new girlfriend! " one guy said as he threw a burger wrapper at us. I sighed and held Nia's hand across the table. "Just ignore them, they do get bored eventually. " Nia smiled and I went back to trying to convince Kara to eat. "Please just the rest of the sandwich. " I was begging her now and Nia could see it. "Kara you really should eat or your muscles will fade away. " Nia helped me out Kara looked at her ripped arms and bit her lip. "Fine just the sandwich. " I laughed and kissed her before she took a bite.

But the moment was ruined when another guy threw something at us and it hit Nia in the head. Kara went to stand up but just then a person was stood next to me and then they walked over to the boys. And that is when I knew that it was my brother, Lex.

"Please do not through food in the food hall, especially at my sister and her friends. " the boys all looked terrified as they nodded their heads. As Lex walked back to us I thanked him and he sat down. "Oh no problem sis, anything for you and your girlfriend. Hello Kara" Kara smiled and Lex looked to Nia. "Hello Nia we meet again I see you've found your people. " Nia nodded and looked back at her food. "See you at home Lex. " I said basically telling him to leave so he did and we went back to our lunches.

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