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Kara's pov

I asked to go to the bathroom during my dt class which I was aloud to go to so I got up and made my way to the bathroom. Once inside I heard a strange noise, I listened again and heard "oh Lena... " I couldn't believe what I just heard a girl with Lena. Soon after the stool door opened and out rushed the first girl I had met that day along with another girl I had not met, all disheveled and half undressed. "Kara? Hello... " she said in  a sexy voice. "Um... hi, Lena. Sorry for um. Interrupting. " Lena kissed the girl again before she left the bathroom.

When I turned around to see Lena again she pushed me up against the wall and held me up with her body. "If you tell my brother, a teacher, or even speak of this to anyone, you. will. pay. " I nodded my head, I don't know why I was scared of her I'm a super, but she terrified me, and she made me feel all mushy. Lena then let me go and left the bathroom.

Back at home my sister Alex handed me, my dinner and asked "how has your day been? " I shrugged my shoulders and hummed. "Kara! " I heard her louder that time and looked up at her. "Sorry Alex, it was great... " Alex looked at me worried "Kara tell me what happened? " I shook my head and just before she could get anymore out of me I heard a a scream of voice I knew.

"I have to save someone who is being robbed, I'll be back. " Alex sighed she didn't like me going out and risking getting caught by the government or alien sellers. I flew down to the robbers with my mask on. I thought them easily and then found the girl they were attacking. "Lena? " I picked her up and flew her to the hospital. "You'll be safe here. " I said kissing her forehead and placing my cape over her body to keep her warm. I knocked on the door and flew away when Lena was picked up and taken inside.

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