An Eventful Time.

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Lena's pov

I woke up to Lex yelling at me but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. "Lena! " he yelled and I sat up straight "what Lex I have literally just woken up?! " Lex just huffed and said "Mum wants you to go and buy a new dress for the galla tomorrow night. " I nodded my head still pissed that he woke me up. "Can I bring a plus one?" Lex just nodded and left my room.

Kara's pov

I walked around the dress shop with Lena to buy her dress but she had picked about 8 different ones to try so I was relieved when she finally went to the changing room. "Kara which one first? " Lena asked holding up the same dress just in different colours. "The red one" I said sitting down on the waiting seat.

"Kara it won't zip" I heard an half hour later on the 6th dress so I went in and zipped up the dress with a huge blush on my face she then turned around and showed off the dress. "Beautiful Lena." Lena smiled and nodded her head before getting back into her normal clothes and handing me two dresses "what? No I don't need a dress. " I said blushing Lena laughed and pushed me into the changing area, "well I want you to come to the gala as my plus one, please? " I sighed and nodded my head looking at the dress, "but could I wear some trousers instead? " Lena nodded my head and put the dresses on the rack before grabbing a vest top and some matching trousers. "Here, " I took the clothes and got changed before coming out to show Lena she was gob smacked which made me laugh. "See something you like miss heart breaker? " Lena gave me an evil look,unfolded her legs and went to stand up so I booked it into the dressing room before getting dressed again and the Lena bought are clothes.

We then found a pot stickers place so I bought some of course whilst Lena drank her coffee I offered her one which she took a bite of out of my hand and then licked her lips. "Delicious. " she said seductively I blushed hard but the moment was ruined by two gross looking older men who pushed Lena into a wall. "When am I getting my money Luther? " Lena tried to get away but failed "Lex said he wanted to get it all before giving you it I'm sorry" the man laughed and punched her in the side. "You should be" before he could do anymore harm I yelled "get off of her! " the other man tried to hold me back but I was stronger. "Come on Lena" I said pulling her from the man's grip. I then punched both of them in the face before speed walking away holding onto Lena tight.

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