Found her.

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Lena's pov

I was cuddling with the cape on my bed whilst trying to do research on my hero and from the articles I'm reading she seems like a good person some articles tried to paint her as a terrorist but I just left those ones. I then heard a tap at my window I turned around to see my hero, I rushed over and opened the window and let the girl fly in "please help me I've been attacked with Kryptonite and I need you to patch me up please"

I nodded my head knowing from my research that this is very deadly for her. I started to clean the wound on her left arm and then I plastered over it to stop the pain and bleeding. "Thankyou so much Lena... " she breathed out touching my face she made me feel so good when I know I am not.

I didn't know what to do but look into those beautiful blue eyes. I then felt something in me that was very familiar. "Wait do I know you? " the hero shook her head before trying to stand up and heading towards the window. "Thankyou. " she breathed before flying out of my room. I am so sure I know her.

At school Kara and I were eating lunch together like usual when two of the popular boys threw food over our heads. "Hey Dyke, hi sister of a Dyke!" Kara went to punch the guy when he wasn't looking but I caught her wrist and whispered "no" Kara sat back down and the boy started talking again "you know new girl she's fucked ever girl in this school even our girlfriends so if you don't want to get your heart broken I suggest you leave her now. " I sighed and got up now that my secret is out she won't want to be friends with me.

"Lena wait! " I heard Kara come after me. "You know it's true. I've had sex and played around with every girl here I was trying to find something I just don't know what. " Kara stood next to me and held my shoulder win her right arm "as long as you weren't playing me, then I still want to be friends Lena. " I nodded my head and went to put my hand on her left arm but she winced and backed away.

"Kara what's wrong with your arm I haven't seen you use it all day? " Kara shook her head and replied "no no I'm fine just pulled it or something I'm fine. " I pulled Kara into the bathroom not believing her story and opening her shirt. "You said you wasn't going to fuck me Lena" Kara laughed but I just shook my head and looked at her bad arm. "Wait! Yesterday I helped a super with a wound like this! You're her! " Kara nodded her head in shame "don't worry Kara I'm not telling anyone, and I'm not handing you in, I promised to stand beside you. "

Kara smiled and hugged me with her good arm before I could look at the wound again "does your sister know how to take care of this? " Kara nodded so I called Lex to tell him I was taking a sick student home and signed us out of the building before driving Kara to her place.

I brought her up to find Alex already there. "Kara I told you not to go to school today! " she yelled as we walked Kara into her room. "I know that she's an alien. But dint worry I won't turn her in. " Alex nodded her head before leaving the room. "Keep her in bed she needs rest and I need to go work. " Alex shouted before closing the front door. I got into bed next to Kara and she turned to face me. "You're not mad are you? " I shook my head "you're my hero Kara. I could never be mad at you. "

We spent the rest of the evening together Watching tv whilst Kara rested she was soon back to full health but I didn't let her get out of bed till Alex got home. Once she was I made us dinner and went home.

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