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Lena's pov

Kara and I were out on a double date with Alex and her girlfriend Kelly, who just happened to be my ex boyfriend's sister, but I wasn't going to hold a grudge on her for his mistakes. So we went to shopping centre where the Danver sisters spent most of their time acting silly and pretending that they were professionals in clothing. "Ew no Kelly, no" I heard Alex say when we passed an adult store. "Come on Alex, please? " Kelly begged "no Kara is to young for that stuff " Kelly raised an eye brow before kissing her girlfriend and saying "just me and you? " Alex nodded and I wrapped my arm around Kara's. "Lena why don't you and Kara go into the toy shop? " Kelly suggested and I nodded my head. "But what about you two what's in there? " I shook my head and turned Kara to face me.

"Hun that is a grown up shop... we aren't legally aloud to go in there because... it has some falic things in there. " Kara still looked confused but I took her away anyway whilst I watched Alex blush beet red and Kelly laughing. I took Kara to the toy shop where she was captivated by all the colours and stuffed animals. "Pick out what ever you want Kara. My treat. " Kara's face lit up when I said this and she ran towards the bigger stuffed animal section.

As she looked around the soft toys she came across a white dog plush that had a red cape similar to her own and a golden tag. "I want this one. " she said looking at me. "Great choice Kara. " She smiled and we took the dog to check out I bought the small, stuffed dog and we left the shop and met with Alex and Kelly.

Alex was still red but Kelly seemed impressed with herself. "What did you get Kara? " Alex asked smiling "a super dog. " Kara said smiling back. Whilst Kelly showed me her bag which made me laugh. "Dirty dirty. " I laughed again and so did Kelly.

After an hour we came towards a baked goods shop where we all bought a scone each. But just as we were walking out Kara bumped into a tall, man who smiled at her but Alex frowned. "Monel? What are you doing here? " Kara smiled and hugged her friend but Alex still looked pissed. "I came back to help my uncle's shop. " he answered and I stood next to my girlfriend. "Oh Mon this is Lena, my girlfriend " Monel went to shake my hand but I refused and went on to ask "how do you two know eachother? " Kara frowned and I looked to Alex to see hurt on her face as well.

"I went to school with the Danvers in midvill for a year but it was the best year of my life. " Monel answered looking at Kara longingly. "Monel and I dated Lena. But he didn't tell me he was going back to his birth country after so it got messy. " I held my girlfriend's arm for support but I could see on her face that she wanted to cry at the exposed memory. "So I'll be getting off now text me if you need anything. " Monel finally left and Alex took Kars from me and walked towards a bench.

"Alex told me that Kara is adopted and that trusting people is something she isn't very good at. " Kelly told me as we watched our girlfriends talk. "Did Alex know he was only staying for a year? " I asked wondering if I could help Kara. "She did but she thought that Monel should tell Kara. " I watched the sisters hug before Kara came back and hugged me.

We all started to make our way towards the taxi stop when Kara got a message.

Monel: don't be a stranger here's my address ************ 🙈

I looked at the phone and towards Kara's face but she was just dead faced. "He is such a jerk. " she whispered trying not to break her phone, Alex took the phone and read the message with Kelly "this guy is such a creep" Alex said whilst I hugged Kara. "It's okay Hun, you're okay. " I kissed the side of her face and then bent down so we were face to face since I was wearing heels. "Kara, you are beautiful and he doesn't deserve you. " Kara nodded her head before I pulled her in for another hug and we soon all got into a taxi and back to Kara's place.

Once there I went to the kitchen for a drink to have Alex follow me. "What's up Alex? " I asked smiling. "He was her first everything. First kiss, first date... first time, he really hurt her Lena and you are the first person she has trusted since. Please don't give me a reason to break your nose. " Alex laughed at the end but I was scared. "I promise on my life Alex I will not hurt your sister. " Alex smiled and then left whilst stealing my drink and sitting down.

"Hey that's mine! " I laughed and yelled our girlfriends looked amused as I ran after Alex to try and get my drink back but in the end Alex won and Kara made me a new drink and then became my personally heating Teddy when we fell asleep on the sofa.


So my girlfriend left me resently she blocked me from discord and broke my heart by not saying anything so this chapter felt very heavy for me but you got it anyway. Thanks for reading.

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